Oh damn...

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So I finally found Brennan...in my office!

"I was looking everywhere for you!" I say.

"Well so was I." She says.

"Well, then you came to the right place." I say.

"Of course I did, it's your office." Brennan says.

"And I met the new squi-guy..." I say.

"What do you think of him?" She asks.

"Well he's smart, kinda weird, nice and... Cute." I say

"Cute?" She asks, interested.

"Maybe." I say and run off to the lab like a child. I turn my head to look if Brennan's following me and I smash into someone and fall right on top of...Vincent.


I can't believe I'm litterly on top of of him. I know I should get off but his eyes are like hypnotizing me. I'm only around an inch away from his face. If I don't get off now, I'm seriously gonna do something that I'll regret later. So I reluctantly get off of him and give him my hand to help him up. But his hand held mine for a little longer than your supposed too.

"Sorry about that." I say.

"Sorry about wha-oh yeah it's fine." He says.

I look into his eyes and see that their beautiful and I take another good look at him. He is really cute. I didn't even realize that I was staring until I saw him blush. Then I blush and look away. Brennan walks up to us.

"Mr. Nigel-Murray I need you to re-examine the bones." Brennan says.

He nods his head, looks at me and smiles, then leaves.

"The way you both look at each other indicates attraction." She says.

I can't stop laughing.

"Yeah sure." I say and look at the time.

"Wow it's 8:30pm, I gotta go home" I say and hug her and she hugs back.

I go to my car and drive home. I brush my teeth and put my pajamas on. I go on my bed, lay down and try to sleep, but I can't. All I can think about is Vincent... Wait a minute...

Oh damn.

I have a crush on Vincent Nigel-Murray.

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