Authors Note

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I am an 18 year old girl who has never really liked books. I always thought they were boring and if I needed to get some sleep, just pull out a book and I'm out. But I stopped thinking that when I was 17. I really got into the vibe of poetry. I was always on Instagram reading poetry and watching people perform poetry. I loved the emotional connections. I loved that they spoke with so much passion. I loved how happy it made the poet and those reading or listening. I figured I would start reading poetry that other people wrote as practice. I started reading them aloud practicing my emotional tones and when to increase my speed of talking and when to decrease my speed of talking. I not only was reading poetry, I was reading quotes that touched me. I always saw those little one sentence quotes that were so powerful. I loved that idea. After a few months of being into reading poetry and quotes I figured why not create my own. After years of growing up in confusion and the feeling that I was just an object to friends and family. Not being happy, and having deep, dark thoughts. Why not do something that finally makes me happy? Something that could make other people happy too. So I decided to put together my own book. My own poetry. My own quotes. My own little chapters. My own advice. My own stories. My own feelings that I've felt during my deep and dark days. This book is not only for my happiness, but yours as well. Maybe you can relate to some things maybe not. But I have successful books on here that are just for fun. They're for your guys pleasures. This book is for my pleasures. Whether this book gets as successful as my other books I dont know. This book is going to be very personal to me and I hope it will be for you too!!!❤🙌

Updated 04/20/19





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