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"you're not doing it right again Apollo" Lance said massaging his temples

Everytime they try gun shooting apollo is the only person whose not learning

"why can't you learn kid?" Lance asked to the brunette who's head is docked down

"look at Jungkook he learned fast!" Lance yelled making Apollo flinch a bit "p–please don't compare me to h–him" he stammered

"ugh! Go get ready i'm going to teach you how to hold a fuckin gun. Jesus christ" Lance said as Apollo went into his position

Instead of lance going to his side he went on his back almost, back hugging him  "you do it like this" Lance said as he felt the warm fingers of the younger

Apollo craned his head to the back to face Lance making eye contact as he mumbled "am I doing good?"

As how much cliche it sound like thats how the two felt, the world stopping, they feel like they are the only person in the world, heart beating fast, butterflies erupting in thier stomach, and of course the pink shade splattered on thier cheeks

They are leaning and leaning making thier faces one inch closer and if they make the wrong move they might kiss

"ahem? Are you going to practice or not?" a deep voice snapped the two's romantic scene

The two snapped thier heads back, looking away as Lance pulled away scoffing

"anyways i'll go teach Apollo how to hold the gun Lance go tame that tomato face of yours" Taehyung said walking towards apollo whispering something to Jungkook first

Lance face got more red and he bolted away

Jungkook sighed and went out of the gun shooting area noticing that grey fur "wontae? Why are you here?" he asked aswontae appeared in his wolf form

He transfigure back into his human form "I want to watch you do gun shooting and you're pretty nice" Wontae said grinning afterwards

"oh really?" Jungkook asked flustered as he let out an chuckle "that's nothing. Oh you should go back to your room Jin might be looking for you" Jungkook said

"oh yeah bye Mr. Kook" Wontae said waving his hand and he transfigure back to his wolf form leaving the place

"who are you talking to?" A sudden voice asked making Jungkook startle "oof soory for startling you hyung" Apollo apologised

"no need to, Oh and to answer your question I am not talking to someone maybe you just misheard something. By the way I tought taehyung will teach you" Jungkook said pointing at the older

"we took a break" Apollo said smiling afterwards "ohhh okay i'll grab my water and i'll go back" Jungkook said, apollo nods and went back inside

"hey" a deep familiar vouce calls out as Jungkook hummed grabbing a waterbottle

"I forgot to tell you you're having your yoga lessons after this woth yuki and Chungwha" Taehyung informed, Jungkook nods opening the bottle cap and drinking water mumbling a thank you first

"oh bunny" Jungkook choked on his water ad Taehyung laughed at him cute

"i like it when you peck me in the cheeks" Taehyung said and left, Jungkook was still shock. He grabbed a towel and wipe his mouth before entering inside

And through out the conversation they didn't know that someone is watching them as she clenched her fingers

"fuck you for stealing my daddy Jungshit"


Lol I laughed at Jungshit 😂

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