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Jeonghan visited the three in Zalor, Minho is depressed, Chan's always sleeping and Chungwha is now physcopath

Chungwha killed all of the person in the cell she was in last time and now they took Chungwha into a cell where she is the only one

Chungwha Evily laughs "aw! AHAHAHAHA your face AHAHAHAHA"

Jeonghan passed her cell seeing her with bloodshot eyes, dishevelled hair, and an evily grin on her face

Chungwha noticed Jeonghan's presence. She smiled like a maniac and laughed loudly

"your a crazy person" Jeonghan mumbled "I! I will kill you all with my bare hands! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Jeonghan flinched

Jeonghan patted his back pocket and fished what's inside in it  and stared at it for a whole one minute

"hey Jeonghan where are you going?" Joshua asked "going to Zalor why?" Jeonghan asked back

Joshua grabs something from his desk drawer "i'll walk you to the car" Joshua said earning a nod from the latter

Joshua slipped something at the back of Jeonghan's pocket then patted his ass making the latter cheeks turn pink

Joshua smiled, Jeonghan mouthed a stop and entered inside their limousine

Jeonghan waved a bye which the latter waved back

Jeonghan snapped in his trance by one of Chungwha's loud laughters

He opened the lid and smelling what's inside, a smell of bleach and silver cleaner

He instantly put back the lid and place it in his back pocket

Jeonghan looked at Chungwha remembering the words she said awhile ago "I! I will kill you all with my bare hands! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

Jeonghan heaved a sigh, he didn't want someone will get harmed just because of Chungwha

He needs to end it

"I miss my tae baby aw!" Jeonghan looked at the girl with pity in his eyes "i'm sorry" Jeonghan mumbled and left her cell

Jeonghan's phone kept on vibrating, he fished his phone and answered the call without bothering to check the caller id


"hey. I guess you've seen what I placed in your pocket?"


"I didn't place that there to kill someone you like to but if you want. Angel please use it wisely"

"yes honey, I already make my decision on who to kill"

"alright don't pressure yourself and be safe don't get harmed baby"

"yes honey please take care of Ji whan"

"he's with wontae and soobin so don't worry"

"ok bye honey"

"bye angel"

And he hunged up, he walked into the kitchen and called his close chef friend

"oh hey Master yoon" The man said and engulf the two of them in a hug

"why did you visit?" The man asked "Hoseok I want you to place this to Chungwha's dish she needed to end" Jeonghan whispered and place the tiny bottle in Hoseok's palms

Hoseok nods and walk into Chungwha's soup, he roam his gaze around to be sure that no one is looking at him and he sneakily placed the liquid in the soup

"goodbye Hoseok" Jeonghan said, Hoseok waved at him and he left

Hoseok grabbed the tray with dishes and soups, and he gave it into a guard "Ahn Chungwha" Hoseok said the guard then nods

The guard slides the dish into the  peep hole of Chungwha's cell

Chungwha stormed into the food and she ate like she didn't eat for years

Aggressively drinking the soup, she felt her head, she felt nauseous as she dropped the bowl

Her chest tightens, her breathing got heavy

What did she just eat?

She felt delirious, her head is spinning and she fall on the floor and her body started shaking, she is having seizures

She is drooling the spit foaming and bubbles, the guards opened the cell and grabbed her bridal style

Her eyes are white and she can't stop shaking

"call the ambulance!" the guards said, the medics then came and palced her in those stretcher

They place the stretcher inside the ambulance and they drove off, the nurse checked her heart rate using her wrist

The nurse gave her a worried look, her heart beat is slowing down "faster!"

She looked at the tinted window and soon the ambulance stopped

They fastly placed the girl into another bed and they went inside

The doctor checked her heart beat using her neck, no more heart beats

He then used a stethoscope still no heart beat

"dead on arrival" He said "time of death 4:45 pm"

And soon her foot started to disperse into ashes and then she became an ash

And she finally dies


Wohooo no more Chungwha!!

And this is mah third update cuz why the heck not k

Anyways stan taekook for clear skin 🤓✨

Bye bye

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