Chapter Thirteen

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Word Count: 1599


Time and I returned to the cottage before darkness fell.

We are both silent, unsure of what to say to each other. I've just witnessed something very personal to him, and I'm still trying to decipher why he wanted me to see that. I'm assuming it is to gain my trust, but with Time, I can never be too sure. I mean, he's an immortal, and you can never trust an immortal.

"Thankfully, I keep food stocked here, even when I'm gone," Time tells me, opening the cupboards. I watch him skeptically, seeing him pull out a variety of canned food. He seems to notice my shocked expression. "This stuff is from the future. I don't particularly like a diet of homemade bread and butter."

"The rumours are true, you really are crazy," I murmur, letting him slip a can of peaches into my hand. He must really trust these people in this village.

What would they do if they found this stuff?

Time smiles, but it's weak. We prepare our food in silence, light diminishing as shadows shift and consume the room. Night has truly fallen, and all my hidden thoughts of fear and discomfort decided to appear. I swallow it, though, sitting down at the table to eat the peaches Time has given me.

He watches me, silently.

I'm not uncomfortable by his study. I let him watch me, his golden gaze drifting over my every movement. I'm fine with him observing me, because it means he is curious. He wants to know what my reaction is to what I witnessed. I quite like him not knowing something.

"How are you feeling?" he asks softly. His voice is the only sound in the room, aside from the breeze tapping against the window.

"Exactly how you would expect," I comment, looking down at my bowl, moving the peach slices around slowly with my spoon. I'm not sure if Time has any idea what it feels like, to be here, against my will. It's not like he would listen to me if I asked to leave.

Time eases back. "You look like you're doing fine."

His nonchalant tone suggests he isn't prying at me to get a reaction. He genuinely believes that because I have outwardly not broken down, that I'm okay with what he has done to me. For the first time in a few days, real emotion sparks within me, my mind refusing to protect me from any more trauma.

"I don't think fine explains what I'm going through right now," I seeth, glaring up at him. He doesn't seem to have noticed a shift in my mood, despite how close he watches me.

"Somehow I knew you would take this well. You're adaptable like that," he comments. Maybe he really is pushing my buttons, or he is as oblivious as I hope he is, because he is truly fueling the burning anger that is starting in the pit of my stomach.

I let my spoon clatter into my bowl, getting his attention.

"You took everything away from me. Who knows if I will ever see my family again. And freedom...Will I ever have any again? Or will I live my life as your eternal slave?" I snap, trying to remain calm in my seat, no matter how hard it is to do so.

Time takes a moment to answer, not looking bothered by my tone, or even what I am saying to him. "I'm saving your life, my love."

"Saving my life? You call this saving my life? You took me away from my life," I growl. All the emotion I have been concealing seems to be suddenly roiling in all at once. It builds up in every limb in my body, ready to explode if Time says one more thing other than sorry. I somehow doubt he knows what an apology sounds like, anyway.

"We can talk about this calmly, can't we?" Time says softly.

Maybe we can, but right now, that doesn't concern me, as I get up from my seat, not bothered by the sound of it scraping against the wooden floor. Time watches me impassively, not saying anything. I'm not going to stand around here with him in the room, knowing how little he is taking me seriously.

Time  ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن