Chapter Eighteen

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Word Count: 1665


Time and I left in the next morning.

He needed the night to regain his abilities to take us through time, to where he plans to head next. I keep my disappointment to myself, as the sun rises and I slip into the shower, thinking. I like this city. It's strange to stand within it knowing it ceases to exist in original time. It makes me wonder what is going on while Time and I are here, hiding.

I'm not sure what Time's plan is, but I'm assuming there is no way he is going to share it with me until he feels like it. I'm pretending as though it doesn't bother me, that it doesn't make me nervous.

Leaning out the shower, I grab my towel as I turn the shower off, wrapping it around myself before I step out. I'm glad I did, as I notice Time standing in the doorway.

"We need to go. Now."

"Can't you see I'm occupied?" I snap, plastering the towel tightly against my body. I don't even want to consider how long he must have been standing there. I'm so appalled, I'm too shocked to really blow up at him.

He shrugs his shoulders, not even looking anywhere else but my eyes, which at least I can be grateful for. It seems as though me standing here, almost naked in front of him, is no issue for him. I can't be the one in wrong here. Maybe he's seen so many naked bodies in his many years of life, that one more isn't a problem for him.

"We need to go as soon as possible," he comments. He sighs, as I continue to glare at him. "Don't worry, I didn't see anything. Even if you are my mate. Luckily I respect you."

I roll my eyes, before ushering him out. "Give me a moment."

As the door closes behind him, I sigh, leaning my back against it. The more time I spend with him, the more he begins to involve himself in almost every aspect of my life. At some point, I'm going to need to get out before he drives me crazy.

Time is impatiently waiting for me as I come to stand back in the living room. He barely gives me any time to react, or even say another word, before he grabs my hand, and everything around me disappears. I still hate the feeling, of the pressure that builds around me, exploding into bright colours and a vortex of violent sounds, before it all goes still.

And I feel a rush of cold. Below my knees.

Rapidly blinking, I cling desperately to Time, trying to regain my sight. It comes back to me, as I look down, seeing water rushing around my ankles, bubbling and gurgling.

When I look up, I realise we are standing in a river, with high banks on either side. It's not deep, but already I can feel my feet starting to slip away. Thankfully, Time has a hold on me, and he isn't about to let go, otherwise I might end up who knows where.

"Where are we?" I shout over the sound of rushing water.

Time looks down at me, smiling genuinely. "My sanctuary."

When I look up the river, watching it twist around a corner, I can't help but wonder why. The water is ice cold, shadows are cast from the steep banks on either side of us, and there is nothing but dark green wilderness and foaming water everywhere. Brittle wind chills my skin, but when I glance toward Time he doesn't seem to be sharing any of my problems.

Time doesn't let go of my hand, which at this point, is my only source of warmth. I allow him to lead me up the river, which I do so carefully, worried that if I slip on the rocks embedded below the water, I'll be washed down the river, never to be found again.

"How do you find the middle of a river a sanctuary?" I question, as we battle around the corner, fighting against the strength of the current.

Time's eyes glint. "This is just how we get to it."

Just as those words come out of his mouth, I see what he is insinuating. Perched into the side of the cliff, clearly man made, however, the environment has manipulated itself into every last inch of it. Trees branches lean over the roof, vines creeping up against the wooden boards.

"And you couldn't have just transported us into the building?" I question, motioning to the surface of the water where below, my shoes have been completely flushed with water.

"Well that's no fun," Time comments.

Suppressing an eye roll, I continue up the river until we reach a set of stairs that leads up out of the water, which is a total relief. The set of stairs spirals upward, leading right to the porch of the cabin. Almost immediately, I kick off my shoes, seeing the water flooding the inside. Time seems amused at my discomfort, smiling down at me.

Time  ✔️On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara