Chapter Forty-Two

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Chapter Forty Two:

"How was your little date with theatre boy?" Jordan asks me as we walk up the stairs to our floors.

"It wasn't a date. You're starting to sound like Bryce," I huff, and Jordan shoves me in the arm. I don't hesitate to shove him back.

When we reach my floor, Jordan follows me down the hallway to where my room is at the end of the hall.

Still a little peeved at Jasmine, I knock very hard on the door. I don't get a response right away, and so I knock again, even more aggressively.

"You're kidding," I groan, realizing that I'm now locked out of my room at night time.

I pull out my phone, typing a quick text message to send to her.

Where are you?
I need to get into our room.
Why didn't you pick up my call?

I tuck my phone back into my pocket with a sign, turning around to find Jordan shaking his head at me in amusement.

"Come up to my room for now," he offers, and I nod, walking after him as we walk back down the hallway, continuing up the stairs another floor.

Jordan and Bryce's room is a few doors down to the left, and it's right as Jordan is pushing the door open that I realize that Bryce is probably not going to be thrilled to see me show up. He's probably already about to lose it having to stay with Jordan alone.

Instead, I find the room empty. The left side of the room is a total disaster, clothes and paper already strewn across the bed and small desk, but the right side of the room is impeccably tidy.

"You guys managed to trash the room already? Impressive," I comment as sarcastically as possible, walking over to take a seat on the clean bed.

Jordan glares at me, tossing a sweatshirt aside before taking a seat on top of the covers. He kicks his feet up, letting out a sigh as he lets his head fall back into the pillow.

"Actually, I made all of the mess. Bryce is really organized and got mad at me. Who would've known?" Jordan chuckles, and I blink a few times as I comprehend what he just said.

"Huh. He gives me so much crap for being a 'neat freak' but he's the same way. Hypocrite," I mutter, receiving a laugh from Jordan.

He turns over on to his side, leaning up on his elbow to look at me. He nods at me and I roll my eyes, crossing my legs as I turn to my side to look down at his bag open on the ground.

All of the clothes inside are folded perfectly, coordinated by article of clothing. His pair of white Converse are lined up straight at the foot of his bed, and his jacket is hanging off the bedpost. His computer is set down on top of the desk, alongside a glasses case and what I can only assume is a case for his contacts as well.

"But that doesn't make sense. Why would he mock me if he's the exact same way?" I ask.

Jordan raises one of his eyebrows at me as if to say that he thinks I'm stupid or something.

I told my arms across my chest and he sits up in his bed, asking, "You really haven't noticed how much he loves to piss you off? He just teases to get a rise out of you."

I tilt my head to the side in question. "But that's just silly. Wait, where is he anyway?" I ask.

As if on cue, the dorm room door comes flying open.

Bryce steps in to the room, shirtless, ruffling his dark hair with a small towel as he heads straight for the desk. He drops his clothing and bag of what appears to be toiletries down onto the surface before he folds the clothing, placing them down on the floor beside his bag.

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