Part 11

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A/N: Actual scientific images of Mephistopheles as a child ^^^

Daisy spun, kicking out with a roar. The stick in her hand came up from the other side, slamming towards Asmodeus' head. He stepped back and raised his arm. The wood collided with the outside of his arm and Daisy tripped, stumbling onto her stomach. Asmodeus bent at the waist, picking up the stick between two fingers. He folded at the waist and tapped her arm.

Springing to life, she grabbed his shin and wrapped herself around his lower leg so that she was sitting on his foot. Asmodeus frowned and shook it. Daisy's eyes rolled and her teeth snapped together.

He lifted his foot up and shook again. Daisy draped herself over his shin and didn't budge. He stuck his leg straight out and waved it around. She flipped upside down and up to his knee, cackling. His arms pinwheeled to keep himself upright.

"Al!" He yelled. The other man turned. He'd been standing on the scenic lookout, snapping pictures of the infinite valley with his phone. Sunshine silhouetted him as he bent over, laughing, and jogged towards the pair. Daisy stuck her tongue out.

Asmodeus shoved his leg out at a ninety-degree angle, the large teenager hanging off it. He whimpered. Al bent down.

He seized Asmodeus's other leg and planted himself firmly on it. Asmodeus wailed and fell over backwards into the soft grass. His legs flew up and thudded both humans into the ground.

Daisy peeled herself loose and stood up, shading her eyes as she glared down the long, shimmering, road. They'd been driving for four hours, Asmodeus routinely summoning angel shit for Daisy. Al had been playing the Ramones for the last two hours, patiently teaching his husband the words to 'I wanna be sedated.'

Al shuffled up so that he was curled along Asmodeus' side, head resting on his chest. He hummed a few bars and Az put a hand over his face.

"Shit," Daisy muttered. She turned around. "Is that a cop car?"

Al stood up. Asmodeus' skin wilted and paled into a ruggedly handsome young man. Al shot him a look. "I'm not kissing you like that." He warned. He turned and glared the same way Daisy was looking. Asmodeus forced a beard out of his chin and nuzzled Al's shoulder. He batted him off.

"We haven't done anything wrong. We don't have the stolen  car any more." Asmodeus muttered. "Shit. Daisy."

He clicked his fingers. Daisy's head drooped with the new weight. Blonde hair sprung into the air, puffing almost a metre high and settling around her shoulders. Her body contorted with hourglass curves, her clothes shrunk to tight jeans and a cropped sweater. Al gaped.

"God, give her a Starbucks cup, why don't you?"

Asmodeus clicked his fingers. Daisy drenched him with coffee. He blinked it away.

The cop car slid to a stop in a haze of dust. The man who got out was even more of a stereotype than Daisy. His voluptuous body was squeezed into a tight, blue, uniform, his stomach bulging to a stop above his pants. His black pants had pink icing crumbs smeared across the shiny thighs. Fat squeezed out the back of his shirt and crawled up his neck, ending in a bulging roll below his hat.

He lowered his sunglasses. "Hiya." He sounded like he was making his voice deeper. Daisy tossed her disgustingly blonde hair out of her face and folded her arms. His eyes trailed down her body. "I heard that there was a pretty young thing fighting with a much older man out here, I just thought that I'd come and check on y'all."

"Aw," Asmodeus parroted his accent. Al coughed. "Isn't that mighty fine of ya. We're just passing through now, my Dixie-Louannabell wanted to stretch her legs. We're on the way to the pageant, you see? Dixie's the prettiest girl in the county, ain't that right now, Chad?"

Al looked as though he was about to hit his husband.

"What's the family relationship between yall?" His eyes lingered especially on Al. Asmodeus' fingers twitched towards him but stayed put.

"This is Kashton, my dad." Daisy shot him a vicious look. "And-"

Al patted Asmodeus on the shoulder. "Kashton here is a son that'd make any dad right proud."

It was Asmodeus' turn to shoot a dirty look. Then he smiled demurely at the cop. "Yeah, this big fellow's my daddy."

Daisy tried to turn her laughter into coughing. "Thanks mightily for your service, mister," even her voice sounded blonde. "We'll all be on our way now."

The cop smiled, folding back into his car. The steering wheel rested on his belly.

"Wait!" Asmodeus lifted his hand. "You wouldn't happen to know a Miss Julie Montecristo, would you now? She's my sister but I haven't seen her in a right long time."

The cop's face darkened. He stood up again. Daisy backed into Al and took his hand. "You better come with me." He slammed his door and took off in a cloud of dust.

Daisy's body melted back down to normalcy. Asmodeus whistled for Lilly. Al took Daisy's hand and led her to the car. He smiled at her as they got in.

Asmodeus slammed his door, shoving Daisy over his shoulder through the roof. The dog settled on her lap with a groan, panting. Daisy patted her head as Asmodeus slammed his door and wheeled the car around. Gravel spun up in a wild wave as they veered after the cop at maybe twenty miles over the speed limit.

"My father?" Al drummed his fingers along the windowsill.

Asmodeus turned, flashing a charming smile. "Yes, daddy."

The policeman must have called ahead, because by the time they pulled up his depressingly suburban front yard - scattering a small flock of chickens - his blue-eyed Southern belle of a wife had been cooking. A toddler hung from one arm, and she was wearing sports-casual - yoga pants and a singlet. Her eyes lingered on Asmodeus, and she bent over the table to give him an ample view of her ass as she arranged the tea and biscuits. Al grabbed his arm.

The man sat down and took off his hat. "This is my wife, Mary-Sue Richards. Im Harvey Richards."

Mary left the room. Harvey lips his sausage lips. "Y'all asking about Julie Montecristo?" He asked.

Asmodeus nodded. "She's my sister. We had a falling out over her special someone, and haven't spoken since. We're taking Dixie Louannabelle to a pageant and we're just passing through."

Harvey bent his head. "Julie was a mighty fine lady, good and Christian. She knew the scripture like the back of her hand. But..." his voice hitched. "Last year, around Christmas, we found her..."

Mary Sue returner. She handed her husband a folder and sat down beside him. Al pulled it across the table and shook out the contents.

A series of photos. The one on top showed a beautiful young woman. She was completely naked, her limbs spread in an X. Ropes stretched from her wrists and ankles, straining her up to an arch. The smooth skin of her stomach had been slashed into a bloody mess. Red leaked down over her legs.

Asmodeus's gasped. He pushed it aside. The next shot was the body, cut down and lying on a white table. Her stomach had been cleaned. The slices were a symbol. An two triangles, their tips touching, and crude spokes spiralling out.

"That wounds not deep enough to be fatal. What was the cause of death?" Al asked.

Harvey shook his head. "We never found out. I'm so sorry."

Authors random question: were about half way through folks, and the plots heating up. Can I bring your attention to this question: how did daisy summon Asmodeus in the first place?

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