The End, Part Three - Author's note

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I'm about to hit complete on the story that's taken me almost a year. I started this in maths class at my old school, and I had no idea where the plot was going.

One of my best friends, Cloud_barnes (even though they're never hecking active) helped me create Daisy. Blitzensbest listened to me when I called him up out of the blue and explained the whole plot (well, part of the plot. Not the time stuff, that was a complete secret and surprise) (I called him after I wrote it down on about six sheets of paper and my desk).

Everyone's been so supportive, and I've come a long way from when I started. I'm in Naples right now, even though I live in New Zealand, and I can't believe that I've finished it and that I like the ending so much. I cried when I wrote Asmodeus's death and smol_traggot threatened extreme bodily harm if I hurt Al, which is the only reason he's still here. The original idea killed him stone dead, his body in Azzie's arms.

I have a new project to work on, a couple, actually. But this is the first story I've actually finished in ages. And it's terrifying. This sets a bar for my work? It means that I have to start committing to things?

Signing out, for now.

- Oscar.

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