|Kitten|Russia x Reader

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I'm so sorry person that requested Bully!America x Reader, but I probably won't post the one-shot. I think it's so bad that I don't want to post it, BUT I will try to rewrite it and post it. I'm honestly really sorry.
Anyway, this is a songfic.

-sad stuff( I guess)
-a bit of America x reader
-cheater America
-bad russian translations and stuff

Also, dreams and thoughts are in italics and most of the one-shot will be in Russia's POV.


~Russia's POV~

'Why does he have to make her happy... And not me?' Those thoughts always circled in my head whenever I saw Y/N, my kitten, and America together, being the 'perfect couple'.

'Perfect couple' my ass! America is cheating on Y/N! I don't have the heart to tell her, though... She would be too hurt, and it breaks my heart to see her sad.

I look at the couple from the top of the stairs, they were sitting on the couch and cuddling. 'I wish it was me that was cuddling her, not America..' I sighed, going to my room. After locking the door I laid on my bed, staring up at the ceiling before drifting off to sleep.


I woke up, feeling something heavy, yet light on me. I looked down, my cheeks turning a tiny bit pink as I saw (Y/N), with her head on my chest, sleeping. I smiled, gently stroking her hair. She woke up, slowly opening her gorgeous (E/C) eyes and looking up at me.

She smiled, kissing my cheek. "Good morning." My cheeks heated up more, my blush becoming more vibrant. 'Is this finally happening? Is she finally mine after 3 years?' Those thoughts circled around in my head for some time before (Y/N) snapped me out of my trance by snapping her fingers. She grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me in for a kiss, catching me by surprise, but I immediately kissed back.


I woke up, my face covered in my blush. I smiled, thinking 'Even if it was a dream, I'm glad it happened.' I got up, then looked at the alarm clock, it read 11 am. Huh, guess I overslept. I got up, stretching and getting ready, still thinking about the dream.

--------------time skiperoo------------

I woke up from one of my dreams again. It was so cute to see her squeal over a kitten that I got for her in the dream. I got up, got ready and headed downstairs.

I narrowed my eyes when I saw America cuddling some other girl on the couch. "Oi, America. What the fuck are you doing with that slut?" I yelled. I didn't really mean to say anything, guess it just slipped out. America walked up to me, chuckling "She isn't a slut. Also, if you tell (Y/N) that I'm cheating on her, I'll snap your neck when you're sleeping." I rolled my eyes at America's threat, glaring at him after "I'm telling her anyway. She doesn't deserve to be treated like this." America grabbed me by my neck with one hand, then punched me in my stomach, then after in my face, choking me as well.

I began closing my eyes, passing out as I felt America drop me on the floor.


I was cuddling (Y/N) and playing games on my TV with her. The console she was using had the colors of my flag. She was giggling, but then groaned and pouted because she lost the game. She then set the console aside, looked up at me with those beautiful eyes and smiled while gently cupping my cheek. I smiled as I felt my cheeks heat up a bit. "You know," She whispered "You'll probably stay here with me until you die." I rose a brow in confusion, because I didn't understand what she meant.


Meanwhile, the real (Y/N) was crying over the news she just got. The doctors told her that Russia managed to somehow slip into a coma.

-----------time skiperoo------------

~No one's POV~

It has been 3 years ever since Russia slipped into the coma, and he hasn't woken up yet.

Every day, (Y/N) visited him and told him how much she loves him, since she, somehow, grew feelings for the tall russian a year ago.

Meanwhile, Russia was happily cuddling with (Y/N) in his dream.


(Y/N) turned to look up at Russia, smiling. She giggled, whispering "It's time for you to wake up. Please wake up! I miss you so much!" His kitten's voice started to echo and it sounded more stressed and sad with every word she said. Russia was just in shock, but he couldn't move nor talk. A bright white light shined in front of his eyes as (Y/N) started disappearing into the light, her voice echoing more and more.


He opened his eyes, feeling tears fall on his chest. (Y/N)'s voice has become more real, as well as her sobs and quiet pleas for Russia to wake up.

Russia looked at the fragile, crying girl who had her face on Russia's chest, gripping his shirt too. He lifted a gentle hand to pat (Y/N)'s head. The girl lifted her head up slowly once she felt someone touching her head, to see the country smile weakly, but softly at her. She gasped, hugging him tightly and sobbing a bit louder. Tears were pouring down her face and onto Russia's shoulder like a waterfall, he didn't mind though. Russia hugged the girl back gently, rubbing imaginary circles on her back to comfort her and calm her down. Her cries turned into a few sniffles after at least 30 minutes. She let go and had small talk with Russia.

--------------another time skip-----------

After a while of (Y/N) explaining to Russia all about her finding out that America was cheating, her getting two cats and more stuff, she fell asleep. It was midnight after all. The tall country smiled, holding the smaller girl's hand and gently kissing her forehead.

"Я люблю тебя, котенок."
("I love you, kitten.")

"Я тоже тебя люблю."
("I love you too.")


Jesus christ that was long---
Anyway, hope I didn't make y'all sad.
Author-chan is outie.

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