Chapter 54

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"Think very carefully before you say anything more," Queen Gethwine said with a sharp edge. "Remember that your mother paid not only with her life, but also with the removal of your wings, and your position as a full Eldritch citizen."

Cole inhaled swiftly. Tanwyn hadn't lost his wings or been born without them, they had been taken from him because of someone else's mistake. She couldn't help but think of her own life, shackled to her stepmother and sister because of her father's mistakes. Perhaps she and Tanwyn had more in common than she had ever thought.

"I have no need to think it over," Tanwyn replied. "You're the only one who should be thinking carefully about what you want to do next, because you already know what I can do."

Queen Gethwine's lips flattened into a slice across her face as her eyes burned like the embers of a village torched by invaders. "You think I won't just destroy you here and now before you can even open your mouth?"

Cole stepped forward, unable to stand by and watch as the fae discussed things that she was involved in but had no idea of their meaning.

"He was only trying to help you," she said. "Everyone hates Thijs and Tanwyn only wanted to destroy his power so that he would be open to attack."

The queen didn't even look at Cole as she spoke. Instead, she exhaled through her nose in a short charade of laughter. "I would watch your words, human."

"You're not my queen. I don't have any obligation to you."

The instant she said it, she knew it had not been a good idea. The fae soldiers took one step forward, their hands going to their swords. The villagers burst into gasps and mumbles as they started at Cole with huge eyes and gaping mouths.

The impertinent remark seemed to finally be enough to get the queen's attention, only now Cole was not sure she wanted it any more. Queen Gethwine slowly turned to stare at Cole, her black wings flexing outward so that she looked even taller than she already was. Her elegant and long finger extended to point in Cole's direction.

"You're to keep silent until spoken to. Whether I am the ruler of your land or not, you are nothing in comparison to my power. I wouldn't even have to use a fraction of my magic to obliterate you." As she spoke, the queen raised her palm, cupping it in the air. In her palm, a bright light grew, flashing and sparking, like lightning wrapped around itself. Cole flinched back, her mind racing.

"Gethwine!" Tanwyn roared, his voice echoing amongst the buildings and drawing every eye back to him. The shock was even more palpable than when Cole had spoken, and the queen laughed as if she could not believe what she had just heard.

Tanwyn took a step forward, his face stormy. "You're to leave her alone, or else I speak."

"Your time is up," the queen said, whirling on him. Her lightning left her hand, spinning toward him. He managed to leap to one side just before it could catch him, but the weakness from his wound sent him tumbling to the ground.

Queen Gethwine stalked toward him, summoning up another bolt of lighting in her palm. Cole's heart slammed against her chest as she watched, knowing that if something didn't happen soon, Tanwyn wouldn't be able to dodge another attack.

She didn't think. She didn't plan. She just lunged at Gethwine, slamming her shoulder into the queen's back and sending her lurching to one side so that her lightning spiraled out toward the crowd. The faeries watching the battle scattered around it, retreating even further, while the soldiers tensed, ready to join the fray when their master told them to.

Gethwine clenched her teeth. "You're both getting on my nerves. I don't have time for your stupid games." In her palm she summoned a large flame that glowed white hot. Cole could feel the heat even standing a few feet away.

Tanwyn struggled to his feet, his eyes bouncing from Gethwine to Cole. "Put the flame out and walk away, Aunt, or else I'll let everyone know the true blood heir is standing right here in their midsts."

Gethwine froze at the sound of his words. It was if he had somehow found the string that disconnected her, and she could only blink in silence. It took her a few moments to regain her voice, and when she did, it was low and biting as a snake's hiss. "You tell them that the blood heir is still alive and our world will dissolve into chaos. Thijs won't even have to attack us, because we'll kill each other."

"That's why you're going to leave us alone right now. Caspia lives."

Cole's head snapped toward Tanwyn. "How do you know my name?" she asked, panic rising in her throat. "That's my mother's secret name for me. She told me never to tell anyone. How could you possibly know?"

Tanwyn ignored her. "Go now, Aunt, or I'll let your guards know that the real queen is standing in front of them, the one whose blood they swore to guard. Not a murderous imposter who took the throne by force."

Gethwine drew in a long and deep breath through her nose, her jaw working as her teeth clenched enough that Cole could hear them grinding against each other. "You won't get a chance to tell anyone anything, because I'm going to kill you before you do."

In an instant, Gethwine had her hand wrapped around Tanwyn's neck. Her palm glowed red, and the smell of burning flesh began to fill the air as Tanwyn winced.

"Lady...Caspia..." he choked out, but Gethwine tightened her grip until his voice was closed off.

"I should have killed you back when I took care of your mother," she hissed in his ear, her palm glowing more and more and the smell of burning growing stronger.

Tanwyn's eyes fluttered as he struggled against her. He was already wounded, and the queen was obviously a very powerful opponent. It wouldn't be long before she killed Tanwyn.

Cole grimaced but she knew what she had to do. She brought her elbow up and slammed it down on the queen's elbow, forcing it to bend and break away from Tanwyn. It was a move Cole had perfected deep in the mines where the actions of the burly overseers would not be seen by others and they thought they could take advantage of their position and power. She'd learned the best way of breaking a grip and of keeping the person away long enough for there to be time to run.

The queen yelled out in pain, gripping her arm that now hung at a slight angle. She glared at Cole, but Cole was already snatching Tanwyn's arm and trying to force him into a run away from the fae soldiers who now pressed forward.

Tanwyn was barely stable on his feet, and Cole realized that she had miscalculated his strength. He was nearing the end of whatever he'd stored up last night, and now he had burns around his throat, raw and oozing, to add to his wounds.

"We need to run," Cole said to him, hoping she could somehow get him to suddenly regain his strength.

Instead of trying to run, Tanwyn struggled to stand tall, staring out at the approaching soldiers and the shocked villagers. "Queen...Aderyn," he said, his voice husky and strained. Gethwine's grasp had been strong enough to knock his voice from his throat.

The soldiers hesitated at the name Aderyn. They glanced from Tanwyn to Queen Gethwine, confusion rippling through their ranks. 

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