Chapter 56

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Cole bit back the bile rising in her throat. Faeries? A crown? Ruling? She knew nothing of any of these and she wanted even less to do with them. She merely wanted her mother at her side and enough money to live quietly in the middle of nowhere far away from Soma.

Gethwine slowly got back to her feet, dusting off her skirt and restoring herself to the cool loftiness that befitted royalty. She smoothed her hair back away from her face and turned to look at Cole.

"Let me offer my hand in peace," she said, her voice suddenly even and as calm as a midsummer lake. "I let my emotions take hold of me, which is unfitting of an Eldritch."

She crossed to Cole, holding her slender hand out and taking Cole's before she could pull it away. The queen's skin was cool and dry, and Cole couldn't help but think of the gritty sand covering up the bodies of fallen miners.

"Let us be friends," Gethwine said, leaning in close to plant a kiss on Cole's cheek. Cole expected her to pull away and coldly invite her to Annwyn. However, she stayed by Cole's cheek, her hand squeezing Cole's.

A strange buzzing filled Cole's arm, extending from her palm that pressed against Gethwine's fingers. Cole glanced down to see that the magic ring glowed and pulsed. Gethwine's voice slunk into Cole's ear, low and quiet. "It's enough magic to return to Soma. I suggest you use it before I am forced to take different actions to rid myself of you."

Cole had no time to reply before Gethwine pulled back with a smile and gestured toward the soldiers. "Let us escort you back to my crown city. We will give you a room in my own castle, and I am sure the council will be intrigued to meet you."

Cole froze, unsure what to do. Had Gethwine really given her the key to freedom, or was this some sort of trap? If it was a trap, Cole did not have the energy to figure out what kind it was. She merely wanted to leave this place and return to being Cole, a girl with no future or past.

She slowly got to her feet, edging toward Tanwyn. "I want to bring Tanwyn," she muttered, reaching down to help him to his feet. He leaned against her shoulder heavily, but his eyes trailed down to her newly glowing ring. His gaze cut back sharply to her face and she slowly nodded.

My mother, she mouthed to him. She wouldn't leave without her mother, especially if what they said was true. How her mother could be a queen, much less fae, was impossible to fathom. Cole simply wanted her family back together, and she wasn't going to let the fae take that from her.

"Run back to the stables when I give the cue," Tanwyn whispered.

Gethwine took a step back, her glare telling them that they had better leave as soon as possible or else she'd find some other way of getting rid of them. Cole didn't need the extra encouragement. She wanted to get out of there as badly as the queen wanted her to.

"Well, we'll just prepare you a ride to get back to Annwyn since you both lack wings..." Gethwine said, slowly turning her back to them and walking toward the soldiers. It was now or never.

"Go!" Tanwyn said.

Cole gripped his hand, bringing him with her as she raced back into the stables. The soldiers yelled after them, and the clanking of armor followed close on their heels. Cole didn't take the time to glance behind her as she raced down the aisle to the stable she'd left her mother in. She ripped open the door and her mother startled awake, blinking into the sunlight and cocking her head in confusion.

"What's going on?" she said, but Cole didn't answer. She flung Tanwyn onto the ground by her mother's side and then wrapped them both with her arms. She hadn't ever transported herself, much less herself and others, but she would have to learn it on the spot. Tanwyn wouldn't have the strength to do it, so that left only her.

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