she came back to me

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I guess you could nail the start of this down to the thirteenth of December two thousand and seventeen. The worst day of my time in this world. The day I was pushed down the never ending spiral of the helter-skelter that was to be my life.

You guessed it. She left me. I can't say it ended well. For a big guy who puts on a tough guy persona I cried a lot. She was everything to me and I just didn't understand how she could just leave me like that. I was angry. I wanted answers. Some form of closure.

No matter how many calls I made always voicemail. No matter how many messages not a single one was read. I was convinced that she was doing this just to hurt me. So I contacted her parents. "Sam" her father said "I'm sorry but it's over. You are going to have to move on"

But he didn't understand. How could I move on? He had never particularly liked me anyway. From the day she introduced me to him he was always critical of me because I didn't come from money like them and I didn't get the best marks in my schooling. I pushed that all aside though because I loved her.

A year went by and that day came around again. December thirteenth. In the days running up to it I had begun to think about her again. Wondering where she was, what she was doing, who she was with....

It had been your standard working day at my nine to five job. Stacking shelves and such. When I looked up from my work and there she was. Still as beautiful as the last time I saw her. I nearly broke down telling her how happy I was to see her and how much I had missed her.

"You missed me for all this time? You couldn't move on from what happened?" I took her hand and told her that whatever had happened between us didn't matter anymore and that I loved her. I couldn't even remember why we split up anyway.

We began seeing each other again. Usually just once a week when we were both avalible. We would go to a movie or restaurant or sometimes we would just hang out at her place. In a year nothing at her place had changed. Same posters of various artists and movies, same carpets, same cockblocking cat...

My family told me I shouldn't be going over to her place. Told me it wasn't healthy to be seeing her again. Screw them. For the first time in a year I was happy again and I wasn't going to give that up. I blocked them from my life in every way I could. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram hell even linkedin.

No one was going to come between me and her. She was perfect. She was all I needed. I stopped going to work just to see her. Who needed a job when I had everything I needed from her.

We have been together again for half a year now. We mostly just spend time at her place. Talking and talking endlessly and remembering all the good times together. She was always beautiful. Always smiling and happy. I was happy too. So unbelievably happy.

So much so I didn't even mind the rope burns around her neck....

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