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She continued sharing her life story. Everyone is attentive, listening to her, and asking some questions about coach Ong.

It was the day I met coach Ong; he was also the journalist that had read my work, "(dis)courage."

It was about the dreamers who dared to chase and fight for their dreams,\. Even though all odds were against them. It was an eye opener for every reader to stand firmly on their goals to take courage or be brave, even though many people discourage you and don't believe in you.

"They say we should support one another's dreams."

It was the saying that I kept believing, as my parents told me this, precisely what I saw in other people's lives on the internet. Not until I've experienced the other way around. Yes, it is easy to understand. And as clear as crystals. But maybe I was an exemption. Why are people stopping me from achieving my dreams if I'm not? Don't they want to see me succeed? Be happy?

Then a question suddenly asks her.

"Should I stop dreaming?"

No. Definitely not. I shouldn't stop dreaming just because people around me said so. It wasn't for their future, though. I'm working for it as my future self is waiting for me to succeed. To fulfill my dreams. To be me.

Even though it wasn't the world I expected, a world where everyone should support one another rather than discourage every dreamer from dreaming. And I lived in a world where society dictated what to do and what not to do. I won't give up my dreams. Even if I'm living in a world where people are hypocrites.

No one can stop me, no one can steal it, and no one is capable of fulfilling it. Unless I allow it to happen.

She can still remember how coach Ong featured it and offered Trixie to shape her talent by guiding her, practicing her writing skills repeatedly, and reading, reading, and reading.

Until the time came when she made her teachers and classmates proud of her, and they were amazed when she was declared the 3rd placer of that competition when they all knew she couldn't even write letters correctly or construct sentences.

Indeed, coach Ong is a blessing to her and came into her life with perfect timing. He was there when she needed someone who pushed her to continue to dream. And believe in her. She even considers him her second father.

"But you know what, the most important lesson I've learned in my journey is the true definition of success.

You will be successful if you want others to be successful too.

Success is not just for yourself but for others as well. We must lift each other up and be genuinely happy about their achievements.

You don't need to be insecure if you see others achieve their dreams and that they are successful on their own journey. Yours is coming, just wait and work for it. Have patience because the day you will be successful without dragging others down is the most precious feeling with success.''


There will be someone there for you, supporting you and cheering you when you expect less. Have faith and trust yourself! Remember that He has a better plan for you! Cheers to your success! But, please do remember, if someone is dreaming and chasing it, don't stop them. Support them! Always be happy with their success:)


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