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"Days. Weeks. Months. Years. Decades. Indeed, a rollercoaster ride for me. Life is not a race but a time of process transforming you to be the best version of yourself.

Sometimes you need to taste a bittersweet journey. You may be like a wheel, traveling upside down, breaking, stopping, and hurting yourself, but still fuelling the eagerness within you to continue and arrive at your sweet destination. You need to face lots of criticism, disappointments, judgments, and hatred but make sure you will not give up.

You need to learn from it and apply it to future circumstances and challenges in life.

It didn't make you a monster but a person craving success. A person who wants to try until she succeeds. A person who is brave enough due to the process. And a person who gives herself a special place in society rather than letting society turn herself to be dictated for her to be accepted and temporarily loved.

To the person reading it, I hope you choose to be who you are and not the person they wanted you to be. You are unique and beautiful on your own. You are talented. You are not worthless but a gem that is rare to have. You can someday be a doctor, nurse, attorney, engineer, policeman, or president. Claim what's yours. No one will be capable of your future except you - yourself. If it seems impossible, try it because I believe in you and know you can. Keep soaring high, dreaming while your feet are still on the ground."

Love lots,


[The End]

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