19 | Siege (I)

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2412 Strilaxis 21, Reshpe

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2412 Strilaxis 21, Reshpe

Reeca woke up to explosions racking the Temple.

Debris rained down on her as she bolted upright. The four walls of their given room blinked back at her when she looked around for anything amiss. June was gone. He's probably already out there.

More explosions shook the walls. Reeca rushed to the nearest window and her heart clenched.

The siege has begun.

Reeca, together with the other Rekshais, had spent the night before planning for this day. They had drawn up a hazy plan but that's all that was. A plan. After all, they were entering a battle where anything can happen. A plan rarely ever goes right.

Reeca's fingers clenched over the window's rim. The sun shining outside seemed to be mocking her with its brightness. How long had the explosions been going on? Why hadn't they hit the Temple yet?

She ducked her head outside the window to look up at the sky. A huge dome with a gray tinge glinted in the air, covering the Temple in some kind of a barrier. Was this Ezril's doing? Another series of explosions caught Reeca's eye. There, by the east. Smoke curled from the barrier as it flickered before solidifying into a translucent film once more.

Kymalin knew the Temple and its defenses too well. There's no doubt Ezril was also aware of that but what else could the High Priestess do? What else could any of them do?

Last night, when Reeca realized that Ezril would be the one controlling the barrier, she cautioned the monarch into expending herself more than necessary. The Rekshais told her to not be impudent. Now, as she stared at the barrier being bombarded more than it could possibly handle, her warnings were slowly coming true.

Another two explosions rang, this time shaking the entire Temple with their strength. Reeca ducked her head under her arms as more debris rained on her. How long had she slept and how long before the barrier breaks? Were Xanthy and the others back yet?

The door slammed open and June emerged from it, flushed and sweaty. Had he been running rounds?

"Barrier's almost down," he wheezed as he braced the door like he couldn't stand upright anymore. "Ezril's calling us."

Reeca nodded as she patted her bark breast plate. Good thing she wore her armor to sleep. Saves her the time in getting ready. She followed June as they tramped past the empty corridors after they had evacuated the rest of the Temple workers that were not capable of fighting. A soul door, which was present in every corner in every floor, sped into view.

Reeca fished her given soul port and fiddled with the dials, twisting until she came to the combination Ezril taught them. It was a link straight into the war room where the maps had been. June stopped in front of the soul door and shoved his port towards it. Reeca did the same. A few seconds later, they stepped inside the familiar room.

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