3 | Twin (II)

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Diven greeted Xanthy like warm butterbread in the morning

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Diven greeted Xanthy like warm butterbread in the morning. Everywhere Xatnhy set her eyes to, brown structures stood atop cobbled roads glowing in a weird shade of blue.

"What is with the road?" Xanthy caught up to Cyrdel and tapped her foot against the blue light.

Cyrdel chuckled. "They are made with otrite. We mine them in Zalgend and we use them not only to decorate the road but to provide light, too!" he ran a hand on his wavy locks. "Ingenious, is it not?"

Xanthy could only nod in wonder. Yeah. Ingenious, alright.

They continued walking until they reached the heart of the city.

"This is where you can find almost all the products Flaron can offer," Cyrdel gestured at the expansive square of cobbled roads and huge, brown buildings made of clay. Xanthy's eyes flitted at the colorful awnings muted because of the moonslight and at the lanterns without fire glinting at every doorstep.

"You can find almost anything here," Cyrdel continued as they passed a shop that displayed weird trinkets that Xanthy didn't know the use of. "Delicacies, tomes, and even ingredients for brewing!"

"Ingredients?" Nyxis's intrigued voice immediately went. Xanthy chuckled. Nyxis and his perpetual interest in potion brewing. "Can I visit one shop?"

"It is dangerous during the night," Cyrdel said flatly. "Besides, business hours are in the morning."

Nyxis's shoulders slumped.

June was quiet in all of this, taking in everything he saw religiously. His eyes scanned the lofty structures that stood in equal spaces from each other. What was he thinking?

Xanthy watched him gape at passing brownies dressed in a manner similar to Ravalee. No one gave them as much as a sideways glance. Cyrdel kept walking, his hand never straying from Ravalee's.

Xanthy forced herself to look at anything except Cyrdel and Ravalee. No, she wasn't jealous. She was happy for them. However, seeing them made her aware of how alone she was.

There was no one she could fully trust like how Ravalee trusts Cyrdel. Even her friends pranked her into crashing into a tree. Yeah, she wasn't going to forget that for a long time.

Xanthy sighed. There was no use thinking about it. Perhaps, the right one would come her way someday.

Diven was peaceful despite it being a trading city. Occasional hoots of whatever birds were there were the only noises around. For Flaron's abundance of nature, Diven made up for it by supporting a colony of buildings and impeccable architecture.

Such was the case when they passed the Temple of Recollection.

Xanthy's jaw voluntarily dropped when she saw just the compound. The Temple stood imposing over all of the smaller buildings. Grand buildings made from polished white stone glared at her even in the moonslight.

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