chapter 5

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Bhris -

I sat in my bed watching yaya sleep in her room . As I watched through the tv , she slowly moved to another position. Exposing some skin , alot of skin . One thing I love about her is she is thicker then all the other people I killed . So the stretch marks and thick thighs excited me , excited us .

I watched the screen ,  feeling my dick stretch out , hungry for her . I quickly took it out and slowly jerked it  . Hissing at the memories we had together when I fucked her . I felt my self slowly changing to my horny ass demon. ' we need her ' I heard it say to me .

" no she is sleeping " I said trying to concentrate on my nut .

'PLEASE ! ' it roared like a monster . I quickly got up and made my way to her bedroom . I opened the door , walked in , then silently closed it back . I looked down at my dick seeing it was no longer in a human shape , it was my horny evil form . I instantly knew there was no turning back, this was gonna happen no matter what .

I walked to the bed and stood over her watching her once again . " just beautiful " I whispered as I pulled her tank top up . My eyes flared as her chubby stomach poked out , I licked my lips , while my eyes reached down to her panties or what I thought was panties . Wait ! she dont have any on !

I bit my lip thinking about my tongue pressing hard against her clit. But it was cut short when she once again moved into another position catching my attention.
This time her legs were spread open like a 'V' . It was like she was trying to get ate out . I reached for her about to touched her but quickly stopped.

" hun hun no " I told myself , heading to the door .

"But " i stopped midway looking back at her pussy . " it's like,  right there " I pointed . " hun hun no " I turned back to the door and left out . I slowly walked through the hallway about to make my way into my room , Thinking about the way yaya feels around me and with me . Ughh " fuck it " I turned around and walked back to the closed door and stared at it thinking long and hard waiting for my final decision. 

" fuck it " I opened the door to see her already up looking back at me .

" well ? " she asked as I stared at her.
" why were you here " I just stood there with my dick standing strong . She soon noticed it when I watched he eyes move to my exposed area . I watched her eyes open wide while her eyebrows pushed up .
"Oh " she sung in amusement.
"Yea , I got carried away with my thoughts " I stared at her eyes as she looked back at me .

She looked hungry for something , but if I had to be specific I would think she was hungry for me . " Well you should go take care of yourself , it looks like your tool needs a hand " she teased . Why she be gotta so fucking sexy.
I watched as she got into her cover and laid peacefully on the bed . I took that as my cue to leave . " damn , a nigga cant ever get no pussy when he wants to " I said out loud to my inner demons while walking back to my room.  I flopped on my bed feeling horny , anxious and ready.

" dawg what Ima do " I questioned myself.  I ain't Jack off in years so me jacking off now would be a major change in my life.  " man , I gotta do what I gotta do. " I spoke while getting back up and into the cabinet with lotion in it . I pulled it out then made my way back to the bed. I spread my body on the bed and sat the lotion on the counter beside me . I sprayed a squirt of lotion and smeared it in my hand . While with my other hand I turned the TV's that were hooked to yaya's room on . I watched her and soon my hand rubbed my dick up and down , squeezing it just enough to make me hiss . I tilt my head back while closing my eyes as I thought about her pussy. 
I must've been imagining to hard because I started to hear moans. Then they stopped , I kept going get more rowled up . I bit my lips while my hips jerked up pushing my dick into my  hand further.  Then I heard it again "oh fuck" I quickly got confused . Was my demons playing tricks on me ?
I think fucking so , I ignore the hard moan that sounded like yaya and kept pleasuring myself. " fuck " my eyes shot open to the room , I looked seeing no one there , I then looked at the tv and I couldn't believe my mother fucking eyes . Baby girl was , she was straight up rubbing herself .

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