chapter 6

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I think about this shit every single day. Me being pregnant with a creature from out of this world.
I always thought 'maybe I'm in a long ass coma, having bad dream' but I know this is my reality, i just know.
I'm to young to have babies. I've been worrying about my life, a baby is a blessing but babies are energy drainers. They require all of your time. I mean I will be kept in this house against my will, so I guess I will have time for her but still I don't want to sit in this house by myself raising a child all day long while the man is out eating people ALIVE!!!.
I want better for myself, I was taught never depend on a men for nothing, never cry over a men for nothing, and never be desperate over a man. I will stick to that, but at this rate, being kidnapped and manipulated it's going to be hard to do the first one and maybe the second one too.
I understand Bhris is catching feelings for me, I am too but I can't get over how he manipulated me and took what I admired about myself. No amount of pleasure or love can make me forget about it, especially when your are the one who did it. I stare at the ceiling thinking about everything I could be doing to achieve my goals right now, I would probably be in college still studying to become a veterinarian but I'm trapped here, on top of that I'm having a baby by the thing that trapped me. What the fuck did I do to deserve things like this.
Staring at the white ceiling still, I hear my room door open. Of course I know who it is so I don't bother looking away From the ceiling but for some reason the heavy breathing caught my attention causing me to look up in curiosity. As I look up, I begin to notice his attire, ripped shirt, unbuckled pants along with his belt, sweatiness and Heavy breaths. There was one more thing that I notice which was the scent, it smelt very familiar but not too familiar. I sniffed in the air as the scent got heavier I begin to notice it was the smell of sex, I scrunched my face up in more curiosity.

"I know dang well that isn't what I-" I cut myself off with the voice of my inner self confirming the events. Did this nigga have sex after telling me he was going to Change his self, what the fuck.

"Are you fucking serious " I whispered loud enough for him to hear me.
" what " he tried playing dumb, HE TRIED PLAYING FUCKING DUMB. Did he think I was stupid. "Are you fucking serious?" I asked once again slightly turning my head while crossing my arms.
" woman what? " he acted as if nothing happened. I stared at him amazed at how he thinks I'm so fucking stupid. I quickly looked away astound by him, but I quickly remembered the rules I had for my self since I was eight years old and just like that ladies and gentlemen I didn't give a damn no more.
I certainly was not going to worry about it simply because he is a fucking creature I don't expect any less of this bull Shìt . But what I did give a fuck about was his promise, I take promises very seriously so when you let me down, my trust, my care and respect for you go down as well. That's an issue I've always had with myself , it's my fathers fault. Him making me and my sisters promises everyday and breaking them everyday made me become so serious about them. Which is why I don't trust people now.
I sat there thinking  ' girl fuck that nigga' , I quickly smiled agreeing with myself.
" oh so it's fuck me baby ? "
I can get reallly petty, but this is a fucking creature so me being on the safe side I just nodded my head while pulling my bottom lip into my mouth trying to keep my mouth from going crazy on him.
" Just say what you gotta say sweetie, I won't get mad" I looked up at him seeing his eyes turn dark. At this fucking point if I die , bitch I die because this shit getting irritating.
" you know what?" I paused shaking my head while laughing.
" you" I pointed my fingers at him " you ain't shit, you made me this whole promise about how you were trying and more bull shit but I see nothing happening." I looked at him with anger while popping my neck. Something in me popped the fuck off , I stood up getting into his face.
" I DONT WANT TO FUCKING BE HERE " I yelled in his face ignoring his eyes.
" and you know what, I'm not hiding either fuck that, KILL ME I DONT GIVE A FUCK NO MORE" I yelled into his face once again.
"You don't?" He asked while smirking and tilting his head to the side.

"No I don't

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"No I don't." I stared in his eyes while he looked like he was thinking deeply.

" you, you know I think you need some dick" he said while thinking. I looked at him thinking " is this nigga fucking serious " I scrunched my face up as I looked at him like he was stupid.
" are you fucking serious " I asked him
" yea , yea thats it " he nodded his head like he was making the best solution in his life. I stood looking at him crazy. ' I can't believe this nigga'

"Maybe if-" he cut his sentence short before zipping his pants down slowly.
" you was to feel my dick inside you-" he paused again while letting his pants drop to the ground and in a blink of an eye he was not human, he was the person who took my virginity from me. I looked in fear, but I wouldn't show it.
" you wouldn't act like you needed it now" his demonic voice ranged through my ears.
I watched as he him in awe, waiting for something to happen so I could make a move. He walked towards me and I froze like a bitch. The closer he got the more my breathing increased, the more he got closer the more my body grew hot. You would think I would at least take a step back but no I stood there, frozen while I watched him hungrily walk his way towards me. When he got in front of me something began to slowly remover my clothes from my body, I slowly closed my eyes from the fear in my body but then soon opened remembering I could resist him.
"No brhis" I spoke with boldness, he stood down staring me down, I looked up challenging him. We stood there staring at each other for what like hours until he finally moved. He swiftly picked me up and literally threw me on the bed, the tentacle looking restraints held my wrist. I yanked my wrist from the weird look things.
"LET ME GO BHRIS " I screamed in pure anger and rage. He stared me in my eyes and laughed.
"You ain't so tough now baby" he said while crawling to my vaginal area.
" Bhris, bhris Bhris , please our agreement" I reminded him sounding desperate. His head was now in between my legs getting to pleasure me.
" what agreement?" he looked up while smirking devilishly.

" what agreement?" he looked up while smirking devilishly

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