Chapter 5 Agressive Introduction

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I pointed at our prankster who was sitting on sofa.

His hyungs took a seat on chairs. And I gave them back their hats.

"Sorry, Jungkook hyungs! I didn't mean to do anything bad!"

I said that to cover Jungkook deeds.

Short one looked at me very aggressively while he slid his hair backwards to put his hat back.

And alien looking one who was smiling ordered something.

"Long time no see..." said short one.

"Yeah..." said Jungkook while looking at his crossed fingers.

"What a beautiful lady you got" with a smile said alien.

"Don't..." said Jungkook with a serious look. "...What do you want?"

"Oh... well I guess you brought her so you could easily escape from us." Said alien.

"What's your name average beauty?" Said a short one.

"Sok..." Jungkook stopped me saying my name.

"GO AWAY!" Screamed Jungkook

Everyone shut up at this table. But alien still smiled.

"Hmmm.. why our little Jungkookie scream like this? Do you want to swear also?" Smiled alien

Jungkook wasn't very happy to hear him.

"WHY DO YOU EVEN BOTHER TO MEET ME. I SWEAR I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU EVER. PLEASE GO AWAY. I DON'T FEEL ANYTHING FOR BOTH OF YOU!" Jungkook said a lot. You could hear how his temper was shaky and things. But he was serious.

"It's boring to talk to you... right Jimin?" Said smiling one to an aggressive one

So his name is Jimin heh... sounds cute

"Yeah... so what's your name quite one"

"My name is..." I stopped and looked at Jungkook for a second. He wasn't now bothering to shut my mouth. So I finished my sentence

"... Seokyeon" I was smiling after my introduction

"Wooooow so cute! It suits you so much" said alien looking one

"Huh, right it is so cute. Like a puppy name" said so-called Jimin

"Not at all..." said Jungkook quietly while looking at a phone

A waiter came with food and said while pointing his finger at us

"You all... talk quietly you were lately scaring our clients. Some girls reported about this girl also for literally scaring them. Please leave immediately when you finish your food" from his face I could see how he hated us. But his glare was more angry when he looked at Jungkook.

Author notes

Well yeah turns out our little bunny wants to scream sometimes to protect his only childhood friend. Also they got a lot of problems going on lol XD

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