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Trigger warning: depression, self-harm, self-hate. Please read with caution.

Control yourself Byeol, you don't have to do this. Just ignore them. If they don't accept who you are then it's their problem, not yours

But as an idol, shouldn't I be what people want? I should be the perfect, always cheerful, slim, beautiful, cute, charming idol everyone wants me to be, isn't that why I became an idol? To be idolized? Be a role-model?

No Choi Byeol, you chose to become an idol because you love singing, dancing, playing instruments and making people happy. Always remember that one person can't please every single person in the world.

Look at me! I'm talent-less! People know! I can't do anything right!

Byeol looked at herself in the mirror, her reflection made her want to vomit, her hair was all tangled up, the bags under her eyes weren't helping, along with her puffy red eyes. The boys were definitely going to worry

The Boys have other things to worry about Byeol. Stop being selfish, asking for their attention. You're such an attention seeker. You disgust me

If she was going to be honest, not going to sugar coat her words, she felt like hell

She knew being part of a 5 male-- 1 female k-pop group wouldn't sound for her people.

But did she have a choice?


She couldn't decline the amazing opportunity given to her by BangPD-nim. It was either the band, or nothing at all.

She worked so hard for the opportunity. There was no way in hell she would decline.

But now she couldn't help but wonder, was it the right choice?

I'm only weighing them down. Because of me, they can't reach their full potential, if I wasn't part of the group, they would've been far higher on the charts.

Sighing heavily, she continued on her day, washing up, untangling her hair, getting dried up; and since it was a day off, she decided to wear a long-sleeved sweatshirt and shorts. She put her hair in a bun, took her pouch full of make up, and covered her eye bags. Now she just had to wait until her puffy red eyes were gone.

In the meantime she just took her phone and decided to scroll down twitter.

That was a mistake.

Why is she part of TxT?

Isn't TXT a boy group?

She can't even sing, nor can she dance at all.

Bighit made a terrible mistake adding her to the group

I heard she just bribed bighit to make her a member

Bribed? What could she have used to bribe a company that earns millions of dollars on every song her hyungs, BTS makes?


But she still let the words get into her head. Not like she couldn't she has always been self-conscious, so their comments about her weren't helping at all.

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