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*In Lobby*

*The boys and Camille use Mr. Bitters' office to talk to Buddha Bob*

Camille:(New York accent) Alright big guy I've gotten word you're hiding some information and we just want ya to explain everything you know about the location of Katie and Tyler. So start talking you Neanderthal!

*Buddha Bob sits there a little offended*

Logan: Camille tone it down. You're scaring him

Camille: This is how detectives work

Logan: But you're his friend and could you please get the light out of his face?

Camille: Fine *Adjusts the lamp*

Buddha Bob: I already told James and Kendall all I know. That's it there's nothing else

Camille:(gently) Buddha Bob are you sure you're not keeping vital information from us? Let's just talk. Ok? I promise we won't get mad

Buddha Bob: I decline to comment on anything else

Camille:(sighs) Ok fine. You're off the hook for now

Kendall: So what are we gonna do?

Camille: Wait for them to return. Then ask them questions

Kendall: Fine with me. You can go Buddha Bob. Sorry we put you through all this

Buddha Bob: Aww it's ok. It's just your way of caring about them. I really admire that *Leaves*

Tyler's Mom: Tyler, Tyler! Where are you?

Kendall: Is there a problem Miss Duncan?

Tyler's Mom: Yes my son is most likely with your bad influence of a sister. I'll make sure of it they never speak to each other again after we move. Her involvement in his life is damaging him

Kendall: Now hold on ma'am. You can't just say bad things about my sister. Ever since she met Tyler her life has been so much better. She's flourished so much. She's talking more, she's more interested in school and she's way more responsible then she's ever been. Tyler has been a great influence to all of us and he's more than just a kid who auditions for ridiculous commercials. He's your son and you act like his feelings are just meaningless

Tyler's Mom: How dare you speak to me that way!

Kendall: I'm speaking the truth! Deal with it! *Feels himself getting more agitated and hears the rise in his voice*

Logan:(whispers) Kenny take some deep breaths

Tyler's Mom: I'm appalled to be shown so much disrespect from a someone whose suppose to be a good role model to his fans. You're just a juvenile delinquent!

Mr. Bitters: Whoa, calm down! Ma'am this is absolutely unnecessary behavior. Kendall is a very respectful young man whose just speaking his mind. So you need to shut your mouth and take a chill pill

Kendall: Thank you Mr. Bitters that was very kind of you to say

Mr. Bitters: You're welcome

Tyler's Mom: Unbelievable siding with the enemy

James: Enemy? We're not your enemy. You're the only getting hostile not us

Tyler's Mom: Oh I suppose you know so much about hostility cuz you get the same way when you're mad. Yeah I know all about your complicated emotions. I've seen the way you get towards your friends. Were you just not raised properly?

James: My childhood wasn't ideal. I have a lot of anger bottled up inside from my parents being divorced but this isn't about me this is about you

Tyler's Mom: Ah I see. Your mom and dad didn't love you enough to stay together. Let me guess your father's ego was too much to handle so he left you and your mother to pursue his dream being free and single

James: How did you...

Tyler's Mom: Honey I've read a lot of romance novels and watch a lot of failed celebrity marriages from social media. I know exactly what it looks like. I can see it in your eyes you desire a father but know you can't get back those years you lost without him

James: You hit me right in my heart. You're a soul crusher *Sadly looks down trying to fight his tears* What are you some messed up version of Dr. Phil?

Carlos: It's ok amigo. Don't listen to her. You know your parents love you

James: My brain is on overdrive right now

Kendall: Let's go *They return upstairs to Apartment 2J*

*After a few hours they all start to worry when Katie and Tyler haven't returned so they decide to search outside*

Carlos: Princessà, Tyler! Where are you?

*In clubhouse*

Katie: I hear footsteps *Looks through telescope*

Tyler: Is that Carlos calling our names?

Katie: It's him and the guys they're walking around Palm Woods Park looking for us

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora