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For hours after the Hokages had been reanimated, they all stood in the office and spoke at length about what needed to be done, both in Oto and Konoha.

Tobirama was a wealth of information. Everyone in Konoha had seen Hiruzen show why he was known as the Professor. To see the man that he had learned from, in action, was truly something amazing.

"Tell me. What are the villages requiring right now?" He had asked.

"Well, from what I know, the graduation test had been the same for years, right Shisui?" Sakura asked the older man.

"Yes. It's been the standard since even before I was born, from what I remember. You have to pass a written test, a taijutsu test, and then for the ninjustu portion, you have to be able to do a henge, a clone, and a kawarimi."

Tobirama and Minato frowned at this. "But surely the have to have some basic chakra control in there somewhere?" Minato implored.

Sakura shook her head. "No, Hokage-sama, none of us could even tree walk when we graduated. And they don't tell us that certain people, with high chakra levels will have a hard time with the low-level stuff. Naruto failed the exam three times because he couldn't create a bunshin. The only reason he graduated the last time was because a traitor was trying to get their hands on the Forbidden Scroll, so he told Naruto that if he could steal it and master one of the techniques, that he would graduate him. Naruto did everything exactly, and when it came down to keeping the scroll from Mizuki, he created over a thousand clones and beat the living daylights out of the man to protect his other sensei, and the scroll. He was given a field promotion for it, allowing him to become a genin."

"What? But they have to know that not everything works for everyone." Hashirama stated.

"I have to admit that people did not give Naruto a fair chance. Most of the village made sure that he had a very rough childhood. The teachers could have known why he wasn't able to do it, but held back the information from all of us so that he would never find out. He probably would have done fairly well in school if he hadn't been singled out. He's probably the best there is at evasion tactics, and infiltration for that matter."

"Anyone who can regularly break in to ANBU HQ and pull the pranks that he did would be considered a master of infiltration and evasion. Who the hell misses a kid dressed in a bright orange jumpsuit?" Shikamaru asked.

Minato just about face palmed. "That sounds. . . alarmingly similar to something Kushina would pull."

"You forget that he's even made the Kyuubi turn over a new leaf," Neji stated.

"What?" All four Kages spluttered.

"Oh. Yeah, he went with Jiraiya for training, and while they were out, Naruto somehow convinced the Raikage to let he and Gaara, the Kazekage and Shukaku's vessel, train with Killer Bee, the Eight Tails jinchuuriki."

Shisui almost choked on his own spit, and Minato looked like he was about to faint. "He got A to let them train with Bee?" Minato asked.

Sakura nodded. "Both of them have a complete transformation now, and a good understanding of their beasts. Naruto and Kyuubi got rid of the original seal completely, and created a new one, so that Naruto can pull on the full strength of Kurama. And once Gaara managed to get control from Shukaku, he's been able to sleep and the people in Suna have been much more . . . welcoming, to him."

"I never imagined that the Kyuubi would allow such a thing," Hashirama stated. "He hated Mito."

"As he did with Kushina," Minato confirmed.

"Oh, don't get us wrong, Kurama hated Naruto for a good portion of his life, but Naruto has an innate ability to brow beat others into submission. He did the same thing with Zabuza Momochi."

You could hear Minato mumbling something under his breath, looking thoroughly exasperated.

"Anyway, back on topic. We were all taught the very basics, but nothing more than what we told you. Everyone had to learn the academy style taijutsu, even if it didn't fit you, and ninjutsu training was a joke, now that I look back on it. Hinata has been in the process of overturning just about every policy this academy has and creating new ones. And right before you were brought here, we had been talking about various other changes."

"It seems that both academies need it," Tobirama muttered, unhappy with what he was hearing.

"I had suggested that they learn about different clone types, and maybe the shunshin," Shisui added, finally speaking up.

"Well, I imagine that, coming from someone like Shunshin no Shisui," Hiruzen said, smiling at the young man.

Shisui only shrugged. "I only learned of it after the academy. The only reason I even used it was because I found it to be beneficial to move around at such high speeds."

Hiruzen smirked. "I'd watch out Minato, this boy can move almost as fast as when you use your Hiraishin, with just the Body Flicker Technique."

Minato turned to the man. "That's impressive, Shisui-san. There are very few that can match my speed."

"Shisui still has a flea on sight order in the Bingo book, regardless of whether people think he's dead," Shikamaru said, nodding to the man in question.

"It would seem that the Shunshin is, indeed, a good idea," Tobirama acquiesced.

"And the clone idea is not a bad one either," Hiruzen stated.

"Shikamaru also brought up having them learn their chakra natures in the last year of the academy, giving them an opportunity to learn something specific to themselves. One jutsu mastered in their element by the end of the year, as well as the clones, shunshin, and then the other two basic jutsu."

Tobirama nodded. "That is a very good idea. It would give them the opportunity to expand their knowledge, while simultaneously adding to their own strength."

"What do you think about adding ch-chakra control exercises to the curriculum, Tobirama-sama," Hinata asked, stuttering a bit as Tobirama's eyes settled on her.

"That would be an excellent addition, Hyuuga-san," Tobirama nodded.

"Sakura also wanted to add medical classes," Hinata stated, gaining more confidence now that the man acknowledged that she had good ideas.

"That would be wonderful!" Hashirama exclaimed, exuberant at the idea of the next generation learning such a valuable skill set.

"I would, ideally, like to have a medic on each team," Sakura explained. "That way, there will not be so many deaths in the field."

"I notice that you have the Byakugo, Sakura-san," Hiruzen stated.

Sakura started. "What?"

Shikamaru snorted, before handing her a small mirror. "How do you not notice that you finally achieved your seal, Sakura?"

"I've been busy," She snapped, staring at her reflection, taking in the seal now displayed on her forehead.

"You seal is green," Hinata stated.

"Maybe it has to do with the summon contracts," Shikamaru added.

"That takes an incredible amount of chakra control to complete, Sakura-san. It took Mito many years to complete it," Hashirama mused.

Sakura only nodded. "My chakra control far surpasses anyone else."

"She can add chakra to her taijutsu. She's created craters at least fifty feet across," Neji explained.

The hokages looked at the pinkette in shock. "You weren't kidding when you said that you were trained by Tsunade-sama," Minato declared.

"Well, now that we have the academy sorted, why don't we talk about missions and the shinobi forces as a whole?" Sakura asked, changing the subject, abruptly.

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