Chapter 17: Crimson

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Author's Note: Artwork of "Lilith" commissioned by @hal.issa_art


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" iron?" Lilith's eyes flashed angrily as she stepped within inches of Tyrus' face.

Pursing his lips, Tyrus widened his stance and clasped his gloved hands together in front of his belt as they stared at one another. The rest of the knights looked on from behind him, surrounding a captive Kylo Ren in the hanger bay outside their transport vessel, elite troopers in line behind Lilith.

"It removed itself, or so he claims" Tyrus replied, motioning toward Kylo. "We've stored it for safe keeping."

"It belongs to General Hux and he may not be pleased if Kylo Ren is relocated without it in use." She tilted her chin to view Kylo over Tyrus' shoulder; her eyes were cold at the sight of him. "He's far too dangerous to be transported without extra precautions."

Tyrus squinted as he lowered his voice. "We outnumber him four-to-one, he's not presently armed and still seriously weakened from it. I don't suspect he'll be much of a problem for us."

Lilith's gaze raked Kylo like a fiery brand; her displeasure consuming her on the spot.

"If you say so" she said, ire dripping from her words. "I'll transmit the details for Jakku once you're near the planet. General Hux may contact you upon arrival if he wishes."

Turning swiftly on her heel, her cloak whipped around as she marched toward the exit. The elite troopers were at ease once she left.

Tyrus turned to the knights, gesturing for them to ascend the boarding ramp. Vurdan shoved Kylo up the ramp with an exaggerated move, following right behind until he entered the ship.

No one spoke a word as they took their positions. Ren sat on a stiff seat next to the wall as he watched Tyrus and Vurdan take their places in the pilot chairs. Alwick engaged ramp retraction and closed the outside door.

Freen stood at the middle of the common area, watching over Kylo Ren.

Low words were exchanged between Tyrus and the fleet commander over the comm system as he started the engine. After a few moments, the ship lifted off and rotated toward the hanger exit.

"Set a course for Jakku" he ordered Vurdan, before leaving his seat to enter the common area.

Ren looked up to see Freen, whose yellow eyes were wide and unsettling as they watched over him while the crew was in preparation. Freen reached out with one hand and invisibly disengaged the binders. They buzzed sporadically before releasing; Ren shook his wrists, tossing them to the side.

"Why did you save the girl?" Freen asked without blinking. Alwick turned around as he heard the question. Tyrus' footsteps halted at the edge of the room, crossing his arms as he leaned back against the wall. Ren was sure Vurdan had inclined his ear to eavesdrop as he charted the course.

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