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Taehyung's heart pounded heavily as he thought about his conversation with his mother. The long silence following the revelation of his love killed him.

She sighed and said she was happy that he had found his happiness. But that was all. He forced her to say something,  and she asked him  questions that scared him.

How could a foreign girl know anything about their culture or traditions!? How would she communicate with the elders? This isn't her home,  she would want to leave some day,  wouldn't she? What would you do then?

He knew Y/N would do everything she could to please his parents. Language she was learning. Culture and traditions she could always adapt to. But this wasnt her home. Will she want to leave?

This thought never crossed Taehyung's mind. He knew for sure that he loved her enough to want to settle down with her in the future. But he never thought about the fact that Y/N was here only for her education.

Will she stay for him?

'What's bothering you,  Tae?' Jimin's voice interrupted his thoughts.

Taehyung just shook his head.

'Taehyung.' Jimin's voice was strict enough for Taehyung to sigh and look at him.

He recited the conversation with his mother to Jimin.

'I never thought about it,  Jimin. I could never force her to stay. I know how difficult it would be for me to leave Korea. How can I expect that from her?' Taehyung said.

'You two should talk about this' Jimin said. 'Besides,  anything can be fixed,  you know that.'

'Yes,  but I just... I can't even think of a rejection from her... She means the world to me' Taehyung said. 'I would die if she ever-'

'You can definitely work on it. Plan something that suits you both.' Jimin said. 'No one said this would be easy,  Tae. But I'm sure it would be totally worth it'

Taehyung nodded.

Y/N didn't expect to see Taehyung that late at night. She was still half asleep as she looked through the peep hole. She gasped and pulled open the door quickly,  to be scooped up in Taehyung's arms. His cool lips caught hers in a soft kiss.

Giggling sleepily she held on,  her arms around his neck. He set he down slowly,  planting a small kiss on the tip of her nose.

'What are you doing here?' Y/N asked,  locking the door and walking towards the couch.

'Wanted to see you' Taehyung said,  following her.

Sitting on the couch,  Taehyung pulled her on to his lap. Straddling him,  she kissed his forehead softly.

'What's the matter,  Taetae?' Y/N asked, cupping his cheeks with her hands.

'Nothing' he said, giving her a forced smile.

'I know better than that,  Tae.' Y/N said. 'Are you planning to tell me?'

Taehyung gazed at her lovingly,  his heart aching. He expected his mother to be genuinely happy. But she doubted his choice and he felt totally lost.

'Taetae?' her voice was just a whisper.

'I spoke to Eomma about you' he began.

Y/N listened to him as he voiced his mother's concerns.

'She always trust my decisions,  Y/N. This is the most important thing in my life and that's exactly where she left me' Taehyung said.

'She didn't leave you,  Tae. Don't think of it that way.' Y/N said.

'But-' Taehyung said.

'Taehyung,  I love you. More than I could ever explain.' Y/N said. 'You know that,  right?'

Taehyung nodded.

'And about what Eomma said,  well,  you're he baby, so it's obvious that, she'll be worried' Y/N continued. 'I will do everything I can to win their hearts Tae. But I need you to be sure about us. I want you to believe that no matter what the situation,  we'll face it together'

Taehyung looked at her with tear-filled eyes.

'Will you stay?' he asked. 'For me?'

Y/N looked pained,  but she smiled.

'Will you?' Taehyung asked.

'I will' Y/N said.

Relief flooded through Taehyung. He knew he was being childish,  but his love for her was bigger that anything else.

Taehyung let his tears fall.

'Please don't' Y/N said,  her own eyes moist. 'We'll make it work,  I promise'

Taehyung nodded,  leaning forward to kiss her. He closed his eyes cherishing  this lovely moment. He was so afraid. He loved his parents way too much to upset them,  but he loved Y/N just as much that the mere thought of being separated had his heart ache.

'I love you. No matter what... you're mine' he whispered against her lips,  giving her goosebumps.

Y/N nodded only to lose her breath at his sudden kisses.

Even though she smiled and acted like it didn't bother her,  she was a bit disappointed. She wished she would be embraced happily into his family like how hers had done with him. But unfortunately it didn't seem to be the case.

He was celebrity. Of course they would want more. Is that it? Would they have agreed if she too was famous?

Or was it really because she was not Korean?

Y/N sighed, lost in thought.

'I'm sorry' Taehyung said. 'I didn't mean to -'

'You have nothing to apologize for,  Tae' Y/N said. 'Their concerns are legit'

'I really didn't expect this' Taehyung said. 'Did I tell them too soon?'

'It's never too soon,  Tae. They'll have to know one day,  right?' Y/N said.

She sighed again,  getting off his lap. Taehyung refused to let go and got a grip on her arm.

'Please' he said,  his voice shaking.

'I'm not mad at you,  Taehyung' Y/N said, sitting beside him. 'Don't let this affect your work,  OK?'

Taehyung nodded,  but Y/N knew what this would do to him.

'Promise me' Y/N said.

Taehyung shook his head, no.

'I can't-'

'It's going to be fine,  Taetae' Y/N said.
'They'll come around'

Taehyung hoped she was right. He couldn't think of what he would do they didn't.

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