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Y/N ran her hands through her soft material of her dress as she stood in front of the mirror. Her hands were sweaty from nervousness and being alone didn't help. Apu had stepped out to help Y/N's mother with something.

Sighing,  she grabbed her phone from the dressing table.

Y/N : I miss you.

The reply was so quick,  as if he was just waiting for her text.

Tae : I miss you too babe

Y/N : You can always come over.

Tae : Apu threatened me not to🙁

Y/N : Since when do you take orders from people,  hmm?

Tae : Guess I don't

Y/N's heart fluttered at she heard a knock on the door and Taehyung stepped in,  dressed up.

'Hi' he said with a grin, his eyes taking in how beautiful she looked. 'You look...amazing'

'Thank you Taetae' Y/N said with a blush. 'God,  you look -'

Her heart eyes made him step forward and engulf her in a big hug.

'Can I kiss you?' He asked.

'And ruin my makeup?  No way' Y/N said, shaking her head with a mischievous grin.

'Shouldn't have invited me over to say no sweetheart.' Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows at her.

'Gosh,  someone's feisty today!' Y/N laughed. 'OK,  fine. Come here'

Before he could move, the door fell open and Apu stepped in.

'YAH! I told you not to come in here!' she said. 'You don't get to kiss the bride before the dude out there says so OK? Now shoo!'

'Not fair!' Taehyung said,  making Y/N laugh.

'Now stop behaving like teenagers. We're getting you two married for a reason! Do whatever you want after that!'

Apu managed to get Taehyung off the room before turning to face Y/N.

'So I have a last minute gift for you' Apu said with a smile. 'Ahh,  I know I already gave you one,-

Y/N saw that Apu was blinking her eyes rapidly as if to hold back tears.

'Hey' Y/N touched her shoulder,  and Apu just gave her a teary smile. 'I just can't believe this day is here so soon. All those days we spent planning your wedding... and it's finally here,  and I don't know -'

Y/N felt her own eyes fill up.

'I love you,  Y/N.' Apu said brining out a beautiful stone studded tiara out of a box. 'Let's put this on'

'Apu it's beautiful! I love it!' Y/N said, pulling Apu into a hug. 'Thank you so much for always being here. I don't know what I would do without you'


They wanted it to be very simple. Just the closest of family and friends. A simple wedding, something including both their cultures. Y/N didn't know if she had ever seen Taehyung so happy before. He was glowing and his joy was contagious.

After a night full of celebration, Jungkook and Apu gave the couple yet another surprise. This one from the entire Kim-Y/L/N family.

A bit outside the city,  with mountains looming in the background,  sat this beautiful farmhouse. Beautifully decorated and all set for the two of them begin their beautiful journey.

'Go on. Don't mind us. We still have things to do.' Jungkook said. 'You'll find a sticky note on the fridge door with some emergency numbers. Call the security if there's anything. We'll be staying close by,  so if you need anything,  call. OK?'

Taehyung nodded.

'You're room is the first one of the first floor. Please kids,  just coz you're married,-' Jungkook grinned teasingly,  only to be stopped by Apu.

'OK Dad,  let's go' she said,  hugging Y/N again before walking away with Jungkook on tow.

Stepping in and closing the door,  Y/N and Taehyung stood in silence for a second before the latter cleared his throat.

Y/N blushed as Taehyung smiled at her before sweeping her off her feet.

'I've lost count of the number of times I've dreamed of this day' he mumbled as he carried his wife to their bedroom. The boys and Apu had done a beautiful job with decorating their room. Fairylights and roses - it was a sight to behold.

Setting her down on the king sized bed,  he sat next to her, leaning forward to kiss her. Helping her get out of her dress and free her hair off from all the fancy hairdo,  Taehyung kissed her again,  taking his time with it. Taking his time to admire and  make love to his angle.


The next morning,  Y/N woke up and whined as she didn't find Taehyung beside her. She sat up on the bed,  looking around to make sure it wasn't a dream. The fairylights and flowers were all there. Her dress and Taehyung's suit were also there. Giggling in happiness,  she bit her lip,  trying to calm herself down.

Swinging her feet off the bed,  she pulled on her pajamas before walking downstairs where she her husband's voice.

'She's up alright' Taehyung said on the phone walking towards her pull her into a hug and kissing her forehead. 'YAH! Shut up! Bye. I have better things to do!'

He blushed crimson before getting off the call and pushing the phone into the pocket if his pants.

'Breakfast is ready.' he said,  leading her to the dining table laid with an elaborate breakfast. 'They've really done a lot'

'Yeah they have' Y/N said,  and before she could sit on the chair next to Taehyung's he grabbed her towards him and on to his lap.

'That's better!' he said, kissing her cheek lovingly making her laugh.

Putting his arms around her, he squeezed her in a tight hug,  pressing kisses on her shoulders.

'This is the best seat ever!' Y/N said, giggling as he continued to shower her with kisses. 'It tickles!'

'What can we do about that now?' Taehyung asked,  he lips lingering on the back of her neck for a second too long.

Well,  things never end with just a kiss with Taehyung. Haven't you heard?

(PS. I love you all 💜)

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