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It was over in a flash.

"You didn't have to do him dirty like that, dude," (Y/n) scowled, finally coughing enough to regain some semblance of speech. "You scared me too for a second."

"Do you understand now? My word can be trusted. You should rely on it," Fyodor's silky voice said somewhere in the front. "You're dehydrated."

"Convenient time for me to pass out, daemon," (Y/n) grumbled. "I'm gonna kill you."

"Well, that's what Ace said...and..." Fyodor trailed off.

I knew you were going to do that, anyways, (Y/n) thought. It's because I'm not from this world. In my world, I read your whole story. I know what happens.

But Fyodor didn't need to know.

"Wine in the electrical appliances," (Y/n) mused, prodding at Fyodor's smugness. His smirk did falter as he turned towards them. "Cork in the lock. A huge fabricated lie. You probably know we aren't on land, either."

"Not quite. I just knew we were isolated somehow," Fyodor responded, impressed. "You don't express your full knowledge. I'd appreciate it if you could next time."

"No." Was the flat answer. Fyodor's eyes narrowed.

"Playing hard to get, really? Will that get us anywhere?"

"It'll get you nowhere, and I'll still be somewhere," (Y/n) coolly started, motioning towards the door. "I'm a liability, mister, remember?"

Fyodor turned to see one of Ace's lackeys opening the door.

"You removed the cork too early?" (Y/n) mockingly asked.

"No need," Fyodor said. "I'm not here for gems."

The duo walked past the hanged man and towards one of Ace's servants. The girl locked eyes with Fyodor, paling. She could feel the intimidating aura from the man.

"Fyodor, maybe we should..." (Y/n) started, but before Fyodor could respond, the girl had thrust out her hands. Coils of burning blue shot out from her wrists and latched onto Fyodor. The man dropped silently like a stone.

"I need to get back, and in order to get back...I kinda need this dude alive," said (Y/n). They tilted their head apologetically. "I really don't want you to die, so I suggest you run."

"His ability has already been revealed," the girl snarled. "You killed my master."

"You actually liked that pompous kid?" (Y/n) said, closing their eyes. "Look, kid, I have no abilities, but he does. I can restrain him if you choose to let him go. If you keep restraining him, I cannot guarantee your safety."

Time was ticking.


With those words uttered, (Y/n)'s eyes shot open. As much as they hated to go down the path and let history write itself, they needed to be in control of the events that were to come. And in order to be in control, they had to replicate exactly what they had read in the manga of Bungou Stray Dogs. Fyodor here was not supposed to die. And Fyodor was probably their best bet in obtaining the book to write them back into their dimension.

"I recently learned this," (Y/n) coldly said, taking one step forward. The girl took one step back warily. "I actually have an ability. I lied."

"What is it?" The girl asked.

"To defeat people like you." One swift kick was blocked by the girl's arms. She skidded backwards, and (Y/n) kept pushing forward. The light around Fyodor flickered and vanished, the man hitting the floor with a sickening crack. "We don't have to make this messy."

They felt their back connect with a wall suddenly, neck snapping forwards at the impact. (Y/n) wheezed. The girl smiled triumphantly, arms raised, ability flowing around (Y/n) in a viselike grip.

"This is the end. I hope you rot in hell for killing Ace," the girl sweetly said, cyan hair swirling back from her forehead.

"Darling, we're already in hell," (Y/n) coughed out, smiling weakly as their vision spotted with lack of air.

The girl's forehead erupted in a tidal wave, crimson splaying out in a concentrated stream. It fanned out and splattered (Y/n) with vengeance. The girl's eyes, widened with terror, turned upwards to find the suspect.

Fyodor smiled, left arm wrapped around the girl's torso—preventing her from escaping, and probably to purposefully traumatize (Y/n), who was stunned enough to be paralyzed. His right arm was aimed at the girl's forehead, fingers steeped in the crimson.

"Holy shit," (Y/n) stammered. "Y-you—."

To see it in black and white printed pages did absolutely no justice to the visceral scene that lay before here. Honestly, at an artistic standpoint, however messed up it may have been, the death was surprisingly clean and swift. No screams were made.

"Let us move," Fyodor said. There was blood on his forehead, flooding down. That didn't look good. But it also looked like he didn't quite care, so (Y/n) didn't point it out.

After a few turns and several unfortunate encounters later, he reached the room. He glanced past the rubies and gems and instead towards a stack of papers.

"I was here for this," Fyodor murmured, rustling the papers and stashing them in the depths of his coat. "I think I've figured it out."

"Well," (Y/n) began, "I assume you already knew and was trying to test me earlier." His wicked smile told them the answer. "It was kinda obvious where we were on, though."

They left the vault burning.

They were just about to go outside when a dark shadow bumped into them. Karma went sprawling on the floor, fear potent in his eyes. The boy saw the bloodstained Fyodor and paled sixty shades further.

"I-I," Karma stuttered.

"I spare no witnesses," Fyodor coldly said, raising his hand.

His hand fell.

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