18 - protect

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18(james said it's protecting mickey hours!!!)warnings: idk violence? not really bc i can't write fight scenes for shit but here accept this peace offering

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(james said it's protecting mickey hours!!!)
warnings: idk violence? not really bc i can't write fight scenes for shit but here accept this peace offering


James yawns, but he can't cover his mouth because he's elbow deep in dishwater, trying to clean his brushes before all the paint dries.

He and Mickey just finished the jackets this morning, and now James is cleaning up while Mickey heads out for quidditch practice with Millie. The two captains made some sort of schedule to stay on. James knows he should probably stay in shape as well, but he also likes the idea of Mickey making friends on his own, and being able to open up to someone else.

That, and James is lazy during summertime.

He rinses out all of the brushes and lays them out on an already paint-stained towel.

There's a short to-do list tacked to the fridge. It's a list of things his parents want done before they get home from their short holiday. Most of it includes keeping the house clean, but there are also weird requests, like do something with the lemons before they go bad.

So he gets a pitcher and tries his best to make lemonade, despite not knowing how to. It's only three ingredients, right?

He begins cutting the lemons in halves, and is ready to start juicing them when he hears a knock at the door.

"Just a minute!" He wipes his hands on his jeans and rushes over to the door, swinging it open. He expects one of his friends.

Instead, he gets Adam.

James furrows his brows. Isn't Adam the guy that's kind of passive aggressive toward Mickey? "Can I help you?"

"Is Mickey here?" Adam leans against the doorframe and grins at James. "My parents gave me some more spliffs."

"Mickey doesn't smoke anymore," James says. "But I'll tell him you stopped by."

Adam snorts and looks past James' shoulder. "As if he'd quit the one coping mechanism that actually works. Seriously, where is he?"

"He isn't here," James furrows his brows in disgust. "I'll have him owl you when he gets back."

Adam smirks. "Are you his boyfriend now? You speak for him?"

What is up with this guy? Is he always such a dick? "Mickey can speak for himself, thank you very much. But he isn't here right now. No one is, so I'm answering until they return. Understand?"

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