Chapter 2 : Wait , I have 5 mates

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Tyler's Pov. :

Me and the guys were hanging out in the breezeway by the front door of the high school when I smelt this amazing sent of rain and forest mixed. " MATE " my wolf axle yelled " Guys , I just found my mate's sent " " same here " they all said back which shocked us could we all have the same mate of course not thats stupid it's probably just a group of sisters that are new to this school speaking of which we're supposed to be getting a rogue werewolf. Just as I'm thinking this a motorcycle pulls into the parking lot and the smell gets stronger but it's mixed with the sent of a rogue don't tell me " My mate's the rogue " my brothers say in unison and they all look at each other " Well , boys looks like we're sharing a mate " I say chuckling slightly at their display she reaches us we stand up straight. When she's directly in front of us she stop and looks up taking off the headphones she had on and raises an eyebrow at us " Can you please move " " Awww , come on little roguey don't ya want to get to know your mates? " Tanner asked teasingly " No , because I don't need one mate much less 5 I already have to much responsibility to handle for a normal teen I don't need a polygamy relationship along with it. Now will you please move so I can go get my schedule " she says and pushes by us sending tingles up our arms as brushed against them. " Don't worry boys she'll be ours by the end of this month don't worry she'll come around on us. "

Iua's Pov. :

I can't believe those jerks are my mates just expecting me to lay down and obey. Just in case you haven't noticed I've figured out their ranks in the pack the top 5 the leader , second in command , third in command , the general , and the luna's bodyguard yay and here I wanted to avoide attention this year then live in peace lying low I mean I used to live the life of an omega never agin will I bow to another. On my way I bump into a boy and girl who's names I found out were Rex and Jewls and we became fast friends 5 minutes in and I'm not even at the office yet which the so nicely agreed to show me to and I already know Rex is the stupidest person ever and is a total dare devil and Jewls is a lesbian and this area's pack omega both are amazingly awesome I can't believe I found people in this town I like. After I get my schedule and find out I have every class with my new best friends we go to class.

|[{ TIME SKIP to after classes to lunch }]|

It's lunch now and I have felt eyes on me all day Uhhhhghhhhh I hate this place and it's popular crowed that just so happens to be lead by my mates yay note the sarcasm. Anyway I tell the guys off my predicament at home not leaving out the fact that I'm the mates of the most powerful people in their whole pack which they accept and agree for them to come over to see Kit. We were having a nice conversation when my mates and their followers come up to us and sit down with us making my friends start to get up and leave so I get up with them but one of my mates pull me back down " Uh , what do you think your doing " " Trying to actually have a descent conversation with our mate. I mean come on we don't even no your name babe " " Iua and don't even try introducing your selves I've been in this school long enough to know it's rullers Jaymes , Tanner , Zesuse , Mathew ,  and Tyler the kings of Riverview and for your information I'd rather eat with the people who aren't total pricks , and prisses " " What the omega and the total losser " " Yes , and for your information I was the omega in my old pack so if you ever us that as an insult torwords her agin I will hunt you down and rip you apart " I snapped and yanked my arm away from the idiot gamma while glaring at the stupid alpha who had just insulted my friends and stomp away yanking Jewls and Rex with me not stopping until I get to a tree far away from them but not far away enough they couldn't hear us if they tried. When I get up to the tree I punch it bruising my hand ouch , man that hurt. I plop down and my friends follow suit once on the ground I put in my  headphones and listen to music until Jewls tapes me on the shoulder signaling that it's time to go back inside for our last 3 classes of the day. Well last 4 and 1\ 2 hours of hell here I come.

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