judging criteria

683 39 10

Novels and short stories:

Description: 10 points
Plot development: 10 points
Cover: 5 points
Title: 5 points
Grammar: 5 points
Blurb: 5 points
Spelling: 5 points
Vocabulary: 5 points
Character development: 10 points
Creativity: 10 points
Writing style: 10 points
Enjoyment: 10 points
Overall impression: 10 points

Total: 100 points


Description: 10 points
Cover: 5 points
Title: 5 points
Blurb: 5 points
Creativity: 10 points
The message: 5 points
Grammer: 5 points
Writing style: 5 points
Enjoyment: 10 points
Overall impression: 15 points
Punctuation (5)

Total: 80 points

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