~Dieciséis- Exposed With You~

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      THE    day after I'm officially Alex's girlfriend, the whole world just decides to go against me. Nobody even knows we're dating, yet all of a sudden my unluckiness strikes. This relationship might be the death of me.

      It starts in the morning before class, with me casually standing at my locker like most days. Stuffing my backpack into it, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around with a grin on my face, assuming it's Alex. Nope. It's a very angry looking Steph.

     "I know your deal, Y/N." She says, violently chewing her gum.

    "What? What deal?" I reply in complete confusion. Please don't be about Alex.

     "You think you're so slick. I can see through you like a piece of paper. I know somethings up with you and Alex. News flash, bitch, he doesn't like you, so stop trying to sabotage my chance with him, will ya?"

     "What the hell- Steph, we're not dating! And he's told me before that he doesn't like anyone."

     "I know you like him, okay?! You're as thick as pig shit! I don't need a shitty friend like you who tries to ruin my chance with someone- you need to back the hell off. Do me a favor and leave me the fuck alone from now on." Steph scolds to me, quickly turning around and leaving. Well shit.

      I go into my home room. The rest of the morning goes by normally until lunch. That's when shit starts to go down.

     Alex and I walk into the cafeteria together, as we normally do. When we go to sit at our lunch table with our group of friends, though, we are greeted with multiple angry expressions. Fuck.

     "Um, hi?" I say to them.

     "Cut the bullshit, Y/N," Nora begins, "we know you and Alex are dating, and we know the only reason you're going with him is to ruin Steph's chance and to have a quick fuck."

     Alex tries to reply for me. "What the he- we're not even dating!"

"Don't. Just don't. You both know why we know you're dating. Don't lie to us. Just get the fuck out and find a new table to sit at from now on." All of them turn away after that. We don't argue- we just walk away to a different table.

After we're situated on the complete opposite side of the room of them, we begin to talk. "People have been giving me strange looks, and after that- do you know what's going on?" I ask Alex.

He shakes his head. "I don't know, people have been doing the same to me. Maybe Steph told everyone we're dating or something, but I thought she was oblivious." I shrug. "I guess we'll find out sooner than later." I take out my phone for the first time today. I didn't have time to check it before rushing out the door, and I was too lost in thought to be bothered to check it during classes.

     I'm greeted with thousands of twitter notifications, all tweeting me one specific video link. Curious and confused, I click on the link.

     Oh, this is why everyone's opinions have changed.

     The video was uploaded by a random  fan account, with the title "PROOF: QUACKITY AND MOONSHINE ARE DATING"

     It had a clip of us from the reddit video we made, and it circles multiple things that "prove" we're a couple. Apparently, like the dumbass I was, I decided to wear one of Alex's beanies. He's never worn it in one of his videos, but it's been spotted in his room before. My phone also went off during the video and I checked it. If you look closely on the screen, I also got a text an hour before recording from the contact name "Habibi💓."

We had also recorded a different video together last week for my channel. We held hands under the desk from time to time, thinking you couldn't see. But for a split second, apparently, you can.

This video has amassed 100K views since it was uploaded late last night. Our fan bases think we're dating. Fuck.

Throughout the rest of the day, people kept giving me strange looks, telling me about how I could've gone for better, and almost everything under he sun to humiliate me. This is going to be a rough school year now.

I wake up during the middle of the night and check my alarm clock. 1:47 AM. I sit and think for a while, not being able to fall back asleep. I can't go to school tomorrow and deal with all of that again. Alex is the only person I can really talk to right now.

I'm taking action into my own hands.

Alex's POV:
I'm woken up in the middle of the night to my ceiling light being turned on. I groggily rub my eyes and look up to see Y/N at my door. "What? Y/N, what are you doing here? We have school tomorrow."

"No, we don't." She throws me a map of Puebla. "Pack your bags," Y/N states, "we're running away for a little while."

𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩- 𝙦𝙪𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙩𝙮  <3Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon