Independence Day Part 1

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Above the East Coast

"Woohoo!" Tora smiled as she soared through the air.

To her left, Heatblast grinned forward, piloting their flaming rock. "I told you that it'd be fun.

Tora kept herself stable with ice stakes pierced into their platform.

Even though the sky was dark, Beatriz and Heatblast's fire lit the way. She turned to Ice with a smirked. "How's the 'hot rod?'"

The three of them chuckled. Tora smiled back, "A bit warm, but nothing I can't handle." A small wave of ice extended down the spices and her feet, keeping her in place.

"I have to try that out later," Fire smirked.

Heatblast sighed. "It's too bad a Doomsday scenario cut our day short."

Beatriz shrugged. "It's nothing. We're used to danger putting a pause on life."

Tora continued. "What use is a day at the beach if it's gonna be completely dark the entire time."

"Hopefully, we don't waste the whole fourth of July on this guy." Heatblast narrowed his eyes. "I think I see something up ahead." He pressed a finger to his headset to zoom into the distance.

The Omnitrix symbol on his HUD lit up. "We are nearing the state known as New Jersey."

"Uh, guys, I don't think Wotan's doing this alone." Tora's pupils shrunk for a second as she stared at a massive horde of unknown creatures swarming through the city streets. Not a second later, one of the smaller ones flew by before exploding into a mess of stone rubble.

Heatblast frowned. 'Reminds me of Charmcaster.'

Fire cringed. "Wow, this is close to your story, Ben."

The Pyronite witnessed a green anti-aircraft gun materialized before cutting down stone golems. Nearby, a bolt of lightning struck down, turning a parking lot into a crater. "Woah..."

"That must be the League!" Beatriz took the lead. As they drew closer, the trio started to notice the scope of the battle. Several heroes scattered throughout the battlefield. Each of them faced their group of summons.

Some of the soldiers noticed their arrival, and a stray blast of electricity narrowly missed the trio. Heatblast huffed. "Looks like we're not too late for the party." He looked around.

At the center of the enemy forces, a large pyramid had grown from the ground surrounded by a transparent yellow shield. At the top, the wizard they assumed to be Wotan floated cross-legged with closed eyes. The strange object around his neck glowed with fury.

Beatriz sweat-dropped. "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

"An ancient temple unleashing an army of darkness upon the city?" suggested Tora.

She slowly nodded back. "Oh, okay. Just wanted to make sure."

"I swear, this place looks like a disaster movie." Heatblast noticed a giant golem flowing with orange light, launching someone through two buildings. "Some of them are having more trouble than others. We better split up."

Tora's eyes narrowed. "Ben, drop me off below, and we'll all try to help push the enemy line out of the city."

Heatblast started their descent and gave her a thumbs up. "Everyone stay safe. Activate comms "

Beatriz started charging her hands. "This'll certainly be one hell of a story."

Atlantic City, New Jersey

When Zatara requested a full League response for Wotan blocking the Sun, Barry didn't expect much. He imagined the wizard to be floating in the air with his arms raised into the air. They would listen to him monologue for a minute before Superman or Wonder Woman would take him down. Afterward, they would hit the city for drinks to celebrate before checking up on the kids. Barry was way off the mark. If there's one thing he learned on the job, it is that magic is a bitch.

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