Part 1: Princess Ursula

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Beneath the roaring, foam filled waves is a dark vastness of water to the eyes of a human. Dare to tread below the tide while having two legs is far from reach, not only because of pressure and oxygen, but because of darkness. The light of the deep ocean though, is far brighter than the sunniest point on land, warmer than the dry sand, and more lively than skies, on a scale so grand. A light that only its inhabitants can see, the energy that lights up their whole home.

Within this wet realm of light live of course the corals, the whales, the crabs and its most prized treasure, the mermaid. This is majestic species, blessed with the intelligence of a human but the blissfulness of a fish, has kept harmony and order at the sea for thousands of years. Human history may argue if the Mongols or the Romans be deemed the greatest empire of time, but if they had the knowledge of the growing empire below them, it wouldn't be up for discussion.

There is one of their kind, though, that stands out from the rest because she blends in. The sole princess who was indeed the fairest of them all. She had long, jet black hair that better suited the depths of the sea. It trailed along her everywhere, she carried as a token rather than a burden. She had a small pinched nose on her round pale face and ruby red lips as thick as blood. To complement the portrait, she had deep blue eyes that crystaled, which screamed she was meant to be of the sea.

From her head down to her body, past her well developed breasts and toned abdominals, was tail that trailed even further than her hair. Another dark blue feature which tied the picture together. The scales glistened in the ocean light as if it were a blazing fire behind her, the closest fire could ever get to that location. She had long seaweeds that wrapped around her arms and body like ribbons, a fashion only she could make do with. This precious creature was chosen by nature and by blood to one day be responsible for sustaining the peaceful ocean kingdom. Her name, was Ursula.

The day was approaching where the young successor would turn 18 years old. Being that she was the only child of the great king Thalassis, she would be gifted 6 oysters. The oysters would be placed on her tail to show her position of queen, as if her beauty wasn't enough to prove her rank. She had been admiring them since she was 12 by sneaking in the vault beneath her bedroom. Ursula named each one and had even picked favorites. This was until her father found out and changed the lock on the vault.

Ursula was a headstrong girl but nevertheless, very intelligent. It was no question that she was who the kingdom needed to preserve their golden age. From age 9 she had been attending royal council meetings with her father and she never kept an opinion to herself. At age 12 she solved a wave current crisis existing in the agricultural parts of the realm through her own calculations. At age 15 she used her unique talent in potions and elixirs to create an antidote for viral outbreak caused by an anemone. Recently, she has been cooperating to help a crisis in the Deep Waters. Ursula had always been the most outspoken and prized member of the committee.

However her education was more well developed than her social life. Ursula grew up around tutors and teachers, isolated in her palace. She was always encouraged by her father to explore the world, but she always found comfort in the places she knew best. Every boy became enamoured of her,but as a mere sight from afar. Everyone else though, however, became easily intimidated of her expertise and Ursula felt she couldn't relate to anyone else. Despite what may seem like loneliness, Ursula was far from that; she was close to her two pet eels that her father got her when she was a toddler. Flotsam and Jetsam she called them but very quickly Thalassis began to loathe them. He blamed Ursula's voluntary exclusion from society on them.

Ursula's most trusted friend was her old potions instructor, Agapi. She was an older sister to her who was always filled with the most genuine compassion. Even after Ursula finished her course, Agapi stayed in the palace and often took care of her when Thalassis was away on dutiful trips. She encouraged Ursula's friendship with the eels because they made her feel protected though she admitted she thought she would grow out of it quickly.

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