Part 2: The Suitors

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With a deep breath Ursula pushed the doors open and was met with the most uncomfortable and rigid aura in the hall. The tensions shot through her like an arrow and reality pushed her over. Ursula suddenly felt over protective of her home that had been invaded by the gaze of hungry mermen.

The 12 suitors sat around the table and King Thalassas at his usual head. Ursula silently took her place at the opposite side, examining what cards have been laid before her. She flashed a forced smile and her dad amidst the eyes gawking at her. Thalassas grinned sympathetically, the men staring at his daughter wasn't pleasing him. He hadn't prepared for the feeling of protectiveness he felt towards Ursula in those moments, but he knew his daughter was strong and would understand the value of duty.

"Alright I will begin this meeting by talking about its purpose first. We are here because my lovely daughter will be assuming the throne in 3 days and the law decrees that she has a husband by her side by the time of the coronation. This is because she has only one other living relative, being me, and it is a way to keep the royal bloodline insured. Nevertheless, the man should be worthy in making Ursula happy, so throughout the day she will be conducting private interviews. First, however, paperwork must be filled out, so everyone get to it as I speak to my daughter in private" Thalassas announced. It was obvious he had a talent for being in charge. He had the perfect balance of tone between authoritative and pleasant to set the pace.

Thalassas motioned to Ursula to go towards the corner of the room away from the sound of scribbling sand papers. "Thank you darling for showing up, it means a lot to me and the rest of the kingdom," he said holding Ursula's hand tightly.

Ursula didn't respond, she merely gave a lopsided grin so she wouldn't give the wrong idea. She only agreed to the wedding because of obligation, not willingness. Her father was disappointed in her response but didn't say anything, he put enough strain on her as it is.

After several minutes of aggressive writing, the last suitor set down his pen. The slow one always has to lose first Ursula thought to herself, already beginning the elimination process. He was a frail boy she had never seen before with a slightly handsome face, she conceded to herself, but someone of slow pace could never survive in the royal government.

"Now that the first phase has been finished, I will go down my list in order for the private interview. If your name isn't called, please exit the hall and enter the dining room where refreshments will be served. Alexander Oasis Is first" With that announcement, the men slowly got up and proceeded towards the door, not taking their eyes off Ursula who gave them a grimacing face.

Alexander got up and took the seat diagonal to Ursula. She was supposed to have questions written down but decided she would use her own judgement to formulate them on the spot. The suitor was a muscular merman with clean cut blonde hair and green eyes. He gave off a confident personality that already made Ursula loathe him. She gave him a bored gesture with her hands that meant go on.

"I am the son of the ambassador to the region of Revma in the eastern province. I would be a good fit for king due to my extensive knowledge of government and foreign affairs"Alexander smiled. He acted as if he were applying for a job which interested Ursula. She expected the men to win her heart rather than win her Throne.

Ursula pondered for a moment to think of the right question. She glanced at her father at the other side of the table evaluating the suitor and scribbling down notes. She looked back at Alexander "In the event that equatorial regions be invaded by enemy forces, a very anticipated possibility, what would be your response as king?" Ursula said intently leaning in for an answer. Thalassas rubbed his eyes clearly unsatisfied with the first question that was asked. Ursula ignored.

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