Chapter 17

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Today was the day that Nae dreaded she didn't expect it to come so soon. Even though its been almost 2 months since the accident. Nae just stood in her mirror with her black dress on with her black sweater and the necklace she placed on. She ran her hands through her curly hair that she placed in a puff. She just stood there thinking.

She finally snapped out of her thoughts and grabbed her phone off the charger and headed down to the church. On her way down there she just rode in comfortable silence. She had a lot on her mind. Like how her mom will be actually in the ground after today. Just in a casket waiting to turn into ashes and nothing left but her bones. She hated that, her mom wasnt going to be her normal looking self.

After thinking a little more she found herself in the front of the church. She scared to even go in so she stood in front of the door for awhile. She finally grew the courage to open the door. Once she opened all heads turned her way, that made her very uncomfortable, but she relaxed once she noticed Quincy, Melani, Black and the others. She then turned her attention to her brother who was walking towards her. He hugged her tightly, and they both walked up to the front pew.

Nae was just sitting there zoning the preacher out. All she could think about was her mom being in the dirt. She hated that then to make matters worse she was going to watch them lower her mom in the ground and she was going to be the first one to drop the soil.

"Naveah" The paster said which interrupted Nae's thoughts.

"I think it'll be nice if you sung for your mother one last time" he said which made making her heart warm. Her mom use to love hearing her voice and Nae hated that she stopped singing to her.

Nae was too deep in the thought that she forgot the pastor was talking to her so her brother stood up and tapped her. She then snapped out of her thoughts and stood up. She walked up on the stage and grabbed the mic she looked all around the room and seen familiar faces and nom familiar faces. She then look at her brother the one she disliked the most. She then looked down at her feet. She didn't want any tears to fall from her eyes.
She took a deep breath then looked back up.

"I would never let a tear fall from your eyes noo no no no no cause everything you are to me ohh i could never let you hurt inside, you mean so much and im so thankful that your in my life
and I appreciate your love and your sacrifice without you by my side i never could survive I wouldn't be the woman standing her before your eyes." Nae sang her hurt out. You can hear all the hurt in her voice. She put all her hurt in the song. She even started to have flashbacks.


"mommy, i cant tie my shoe" 4 year old Naveah pouted.

"come here baby" her mom told her

"Look make two bunny ears" her mom started while telling her the rest of the instructions of tying her shoe.

"Thank you mommy i love you muah" Nae told her mom while kissing her on the cheek and running off to go get on the swings. Leaving her mom sitting on the bench chuckling to herself.
*end of flashback*

"You taught me strength you gave me guidance, whenever faith was lost you were there to find it and all because a mothers love is unconditional with all my heart and my soul i wanna let you know" she sung while feeling the song at the moment the only person that was in the room was her and her mom.

"mommy look my tooth fell out, now the tooth fairy has to give me a dollar" Nae smiled brightly to her mom while missing one if her two front teeth.

"Aww look at my buck tooth baby" her mom teased.

"Mommy don't say that" Nae pouted.

"Awww baby im sorry, want to get some ice cream ?" Her mom asked.

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