Chapter 27

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*short chapter*

"She haven't been coming here the last couple weeks and now she just shows up." Ka'liyah whispered to me as we sat in the lunch room.

So basically Kayla's been MIA and now she shows up to school in expensive clothes and what not. Blood or not that's my sister. If it was up to me she would still be living with her auntie. But it's funny because they all just gave her to me and dipped. But honestly lately i've been good and my head stopped hurting finally.

"That's on her, as long as she doesn't bother me." I said truthfully. Honestly I didn't care about what Kayla did or anything that affiliates with her. Im cool off her. I was broken out of my thoughts when i felt a presence by me.

"Can we talk ?" Nia asked.

"No im good." I said getting up heading to my last block of the day.

After school was over i walked up to Quincy car which was parked somewhat in front of the school.

"Wassgood ma." He said once i got in the car.

"Heyy." I said grabbing his chin pecking his lips.

"Im finna drop you off i got some shit to handle." He said i just sighed and rolled my eyes.

This has been happening alot lately. He brings me to our house then leaves. We argue almost everyday because of it. Honestly what's the point of moving me in with you if your never there. I know he be having things to do at the Trap and stuff but still. What about me ?

"That's a problem with you ?" He asked as he focus on the road. I just ignored him as i looked down at my phone.

"You can't hear me." He said snatching my phone out my hand. One thing i've learned about Quincy is he hates being ignored.

"Don't ask me a question you already know the answer to."

"Im not finna keep doing this shit you Nae."

"Well don't, honestly if you not gone ever be in your house with me what's the point of being there ?" I asked squinting my eyes at him.

"Whatchu trying to do ? Leave ?" He said sarcastically.

"If i had the money shidd i would have." I told him rolling my eyes.

"Nae stop fucking playing with me for fuck you up."

"Im not worried about that weak ass threat." I mumbled.

"Speak up." He challenged.

"Im not worried about your weak ass threat." I said speaking up.

"Okay Naveah" he said with a chuckle i knew he was mad because he said my whole name.

Once we got to the house i got out the car and slammed the door behind me going in the house. Not too long afterwards Quincy came following.

"Yooo what the fuck is you on, you knew what type of shit i did before you start fucking with me." He said standing in front of me while i was sitting on the couch.

"Actually I didn't i had to beat a bitch ass just to find out what the fuck you do." I snapped. I tried to stand up but all he did was push me back down on the couch.

"Okay but this how i get my money, this how i spoil your li ass-" he started before i cut him off.

"I didn't ask you for that shit, and its not about me knowing what you do" i paused to calm myself down.

"You asked me to come live with you in this big ass house and you not even living here with me because your black ass always wanna be at the fucking trap." I ranted.

"It ain't even like that." He stated.

"Shit well enlighten me." I said standing up and this time he didn't push me down.

"I don't want you worrying about allat." He sighed.

"Then i been there before, why the fuck the girls gotta be naked that's probably why you like going— man im not finna do this shit." I said shaking my head pushing past him.

"You reaching you know ion want nun of them bitches i gotta do that shit, so i know bitches ain stealing from me.... come here ma." He said grabbing my arm. I stopped but I didn't turn around to face him.

"Man don't do that" he said turning me around. I looked everywhere but at him until my eyes caught his and i just stared into them.

"I you the only person I want." He said looking into my eyes.

"You don't got to worry about these other bitches they ain't you." He smirked. But i still stood there with an unreadable face.

"That doesn't even matter your still leaving and im going to be in this big ass house by myself." I said softly making him sigh.

"Invite liyah or Lani" he tried to compromise. I shook my head because he just didn't understand.

"Liyah and Lani aren't you." I stressed.

"Ion even know why im still trying." I said shaking my head about to walk away but he gripped my arm.

"Don't be mad, i got some important shit to do, but ima be back by time you wake up from your li nap you always taking.." he said.

"Okay Quincy" i said lowly, he knew i was aggravated because you could hear it in my voice.

"I love you" he said pecking my lips.

"I love you too" i said giving him a hug. Before any of us leave the house we always say we love each other because that could be the last time we see each other.

After i pulled away he looked at me and sighed. Before turning the other walking towards the door with me following behind.

"Be safe." I said as he walked out the door as i watched.

"Yes ma'am" he replied. Once he got in the car and drove off i closed the door and made sure to lock it before going to the room and laying down until sleep took over.

Once i woke up i heard shuffling i was actually surprised that Quincy actually made it back before i woke up. Usually he just say that so i can get off his case.
Then i heard a glass break. I got up and went downstairs to the kitchen seeming that's where the noise came from. But i stopped in the middle of my tracks when i heard voices.

"Go see if his girl upstairs." Somebody said. I swear i heard that voice before. But i ran back up the stairs silently and grabbed my phone going into the closet. Then going into the door that was hidden in the closet. Quincy always told me in case of a emergency to always go in this hidden room that nobody knew but me. He told me nobody would hear me or even notice the door.

"Shit." I said once i got in there and took my phone out and dialed Quincy's number. But he didn't answer. I called back multiple times more but he still didn't answer. I just gave up and dialed Ka'liyah's numbers.

"Liyah !" I said out of breath.

"Wassup, why you sound shaking ?"

"ttttthere's people i-inn tt-tthee house, liyah im scared !" I said as i was almost on the verge of tears.

"Hold on, im about to call Quincy." She said then hung up before i got a chance to say something. I took this time to really admire the room. It was filled with guns but the thing that stood out the most to me was a painting. I looked a little closer and realized that it was me and it was beyond beautiful.

I didn't even Know Quincy knew how to draw. But it touched my heart. I sighed realizing i was going to be locked in a room full of guns with nothing to eat no anything.

"Nae open the door !"

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