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: Am I beautiful?

: No, you're not.

: Am I intelligent?

: Still, no.

: Am I talented?

: You don't even know how to dance, sing, act and such.

: Am I attractive?

He chuckles.

: You kiddin' me.

: Do you love me?

I stared straight to his eyes.

: Yes, I do.

: What? You just said a while ago that I'm not beautiful, intelligent, talented and not even attractive. Why?

I heaved a sigh.

: Yes, you're not like the other girls who have the looks, brain and talent. But I love you despite of everything. I love you not in the eyes but in the heart. I saw deep within you the woman I wanted to be with. I'm not after the looks and such, I love every bit of you and the way you are. And when I say I love you, I mean it. No whys and hows, that's it.


Date: July 18, 2019

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