Chapter Twenty-Six

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Long time no see, huh? 😐😐

(Nik's POV)

"How is he not dead yet?"

"I have no clue."

"Because I refuse to let him die." Vince said as he splashed a bucket of cold water on Aleksei.

Aleksei woke with a whimper. Couldn't blame him though. Both legs, groin, and part of his torso were raw and blistered from Vince and I burning him.

It's been several days since we started. Vince refuses to let him die. He says that Aleksei can't just suffer for the pain he caused Isa, he has to suffer for the pain he caused Juliet by kidnapping her daughter.

Vince has had Dr. McCall on standby the whole time. He makes sure Aleksei stays alive.

"He won't last much longer, Vincenzo." McCall said as he examined him.

"Time frame?"

"Tomorrow and that's me being optimist."

"So today it is then." Vince sighed.

"How will we end it?" I asked.

Vince cocked his head to the side and crossed his arms.

"I'm not sure. I'm tired of cutting people's dicks off. That's not that fun anymore. Shooting him will be to quick and painless. We've already stabbed him enough times." Vince sighed in frustration.

It was silent for a few minutes before he spoke again.

"We could drown him. I've never done that before. Or drag him behind the car. I've done that a time or two. Or we could hang him. Never done that one either."

"You really are a psychopath." One of my men muttered.

"Creative." Stefano, Phoenix, and the twins said at the same time.

Vince ignored them all and continued to stare at Aleksei.

"Is it possible to do two at once?" Vince asked, mainly speaking to himself at this point as he cocked his head further to the side.

"You could have mercy and end it for him quickly since you've already burnt him to a crisp." One of my men suggested.

"Mercy isn't a word in my dictionary." Vince muttered. "I'm going upstairs for a bit."

I followed after him and we both went upstairs. That's where we found Isa and Juliet in the kitchen.

Juliet was eating ice-cream right out of the tub and Isa was munching on some chips.

"Good, Moglie?" Vince asked, walking up behind her.

"Want a bite?" She asked.

"Later." He winked making her blush.

"How are you?" I asked Isa.

"Good. We're good." She smiled.

"How is the man downstairs?" Juliet asked as Vince stood behind her, trapping her between him and the counter. She paid no attention to him and kept eating her ice-cream.

"He's barely alive." I answered. "Your husband is trying to figure out a way to end him."

"You've run out of ideas?" Juliet asked in surprise.

"Oh I have plenty of ideas, Moglie. I just don't know which one I want to go with."

"You could go old-fashion." She suggested.

"Old-fashion?" Vince asked.

"Yeah." She nodded.

"What is old-fashion?"

"Snap his trachea."

Vince chuckled and kissed the side of her head.

"We'll figure it out, you just keep eating your ice-cream." Vince grinned.

"Yes, Sir." Juliet said rolling her eyes.

A hour or so later, Vince and I wandered back downstairs. When we got to Aleksei's cell our eyes widened in shock.

"What. The. F*ck. Happened. Here."

(Isa's POV)

"Are you excited?" Mom asked as we sat in the living room.

"To be a mom?"

She nodded.

"I'm nervous. I'm only 18. Were you nervous?"

"Well I was 21 when I had your brothers and 25 when I had you."

"So no?"

"I was a little nervous, but I had your father by my side and you have Nik. I think you'll be a great mother."

"Will you be mad if I decide to stay here?"

"No. I'll be a little sad, but I won't be mad. It's your life and your family. You do what you feel is best. If that means staying here then we'll just visit as often as we can. Don't worry about what other people want. Worry about what you want and what's best for you all. Okay?"

I nodded. "Is dad okay with it all?"

"Would any father be okay with their 18 year old daughter being pregnant before being married?"


"He's a tad bit mad, but he's a big boy and he knows you're your own person. Though I can't say that Nik will make it out unscathed."

"That's a given." I laughed.

Mom smiled and then she turned serious. "Are you okay? After everything that happened?"

"I'm better than I thought I'd be."

"That's good. Just remember, Doc is a great person to talk to if necessary. He's a very good listener."

"I know, mom." I smiled softly.

It was then that the guys came upstairs. Everyone had a small look of shock on their faces. Nik looked pissed. Dad looked calm. Too calm.

We also noticed that dad's knuckles were covered in blood.

Mom said nothing as she stood, walked over to dad, grabbed his hand, and disappeared down the hallway.

"What happened?" I asked Nik.

"He's dead."


"Aleksei. He's dead. It's over."

"Who killed him? Dad? You?"

Nik shook his head.

"Who then?"

"Himself. He killed himself."

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