Chapter 9 (edited)

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My roommate is the world biggest jerk9

special thanks and hugs goes to:




new fan and reader, sunset50

thanks for commenting you guys! and of course, to all that is reading this little story of mine! thanks a bunch!!

Chapter 9 [Confessions Of A Drama… Prince?]

“Here” Aiden nudged me, pushing a tall glass of beer my way.

“No thanks, I don’t drink.” I pushed the drink away from me, careful not to spill any.“And you shouldn’t either; it’s bad for your health, and not to mention your reputation.” I noted, leaning back against the chair. We had ended up at the nearest bar to my house, Aiden was downing each glass pushed his way since we got here. Thank god that tonight the barman was a guy that regularly did part time here so he did not know me. This bar belonged to a man that knew my mom and me, and if my mom knew that I even so much as stepped a foot in here, I will be skinned alive.

“Now bright eyes, what did we agreed on earlier?” he snapped, sounded a bit ticked off.

I closed my eyes and sighed, reciting the rehearsed lines we had came up with upon entering the establishment. “Your name is Clint and you’re my friend who goes to the CU, majoring in Literature. I’m here accompanying you as a good friend and a designated driver if you shall be too drunk to drive.” I opened my eyes looking at him disdainfully. “And stop calling me bright eyes.”

He said nothing but chuckle.

“But speaking of eyes - what happened to your eyes, I thought they were blue?” I inquired, seeing that now, even though we were hidden in semi darkness and this may implied that they were just cloaked by the dark but they were really – black.

“Contacts.” He replied simply. “I do this so that it’s harder for them to recognize me.” He paused before he took a turn to stare at me with amused eyes. “How do you know my eyes are blue?”

“If my mom found out about this I’m so dead.” I moaned choosing to ignore his narcissistic question, burying my face. It was a quarter to midnight now, I had never, in living memory not been home this late.

“If my mom found out about this, I should be abdicated.” Aiden muttered. “But I won’t be because the family needed me; she’ll just turn a blind eye.” He sighed and turned his attention to me. “What did your mom do if you got in trouble?”

“She’ll yell then she’ll cry and I’ll end up grounded. That’s when I’ll die.” I mumbled miserably.

“At least your parents care enough to actually punish you.” he said quietly before taking a few gulp of his beer. my eyes flickered from staring at the hard wood polished table to met the side profile of Aiden. Is it just me or Aiden had just opened up to me? But I waved the motion away; it must be the alcohol talking. As welcoming as he might be tonight, I somehow knew that it was not him. It can’t be.

“Actually there’s only my mom, my dad passed away when I was a kid.” I said, now carefully dragging the beer I had refused earlier. In the normal conditions, I rarely ever talked about my dad. But seeing how he had opened up to me, alcohol or not, the topic about my pain effortlessly rolled out of my tongue. I took a tentative gulp. Honestly, it didn’t taste half bad. It had that sweetness coupled with the after burn that scorched my throat and it felt really good. So, I gulped more of the drink.

“Life sucks.” Aiden suddenly gave a strangled yell. “My life sucks.” A few customers turned to stare at the sudden proclamation but shrugged it off before turning back to their representative beverages.

I took a few more mouthfuls and already my vision started to waver. I blinked, trying to readjust my eyes. Then, I looked at the boy who sat next to me, meeting his gaze. I sighed and slumped to my chair but kept a steady stare on Aiden. “We have a very weird relationship… Clint.” I giggled; it was funny how I had to call him Clint instead of his real name. “You stole my bike from me, I slapped you then I eavesdropped on you and you blackmailed me…” I paused, thinking hard but nothing more popped up. “That’s pretty much it, isn’t it? Oh! Yeah, and tonight I found you skulking in the alley and took you to a bar to get drunk!” I leaned and closed my eyes. “We have a very weird relationship, you and I.”

“Yeah we do.” Next to me Aiden slumped to his seat as well. “All of my relationships are somewhat… weird.”

“Must not be easy huh? Being who you are, I mean.”

Aiden nodded. “People have no idea.” He raised his glass in kind of a salute, waiting for me to rise my won glass but I declined.

“The drink if affecting me, you go on ahead.” Aiden smirked and before my eyes he chugged down the drink until the very last drop.

“How are you gonna get back?” I asked, now standing under the streetlight in front of my house. I was a bit tipsy but sober enough to find my way back home while dragging the half conscious prince with me.

He looked up at me, slurring on his words and said something incomprehensible.

“I don’t think I can call a cab for you, you look like you don’t even know where your home is.” I began to reason, leaning to my gate. As basic knowledge, I knew where the Claymore palace, the White Place stood. It was sprawled on a small hill just outskirt the city but I was also aware of the fact that the White Palace was not used as residential purposes. The royal family lived elsewhere and the location of which, I did not know.

“The Great House.” Mumbled Aiden suddenly, looking up at me and grinned. “See? I know…” he was slurring. He pulled his beanie off suddenly saying that it was hot.

I giggled at this, as Aiden tried to put his hair to order with his fingers. The only problem was that, he was using both of his hands and without the support, he was swaying and wobbling. I pulled his hand to grab hold of me so he won’t fall. “Here, let me do it.”

Aiden nodded, now both hands wrapped on my waist while I tried to tend to his messy hair. The dark mass was surprisingly dry and course in texture; I noted when his hair and the tips of my fingers made contact. Not at the type of hair a prince should own, I though as I lightly touched them. But the smell was good, it was light sweet but masculine.

Not at all in control of what came out rolling out of my tongue, I heard myself said, “You should take better care of yourself Aiden…”

Two firm hand suddenly went up and gripped mine, stopping my light touches of his head. He slowly brought them down. I said nothing, surprised at this touch. He was unstable on his feet but the hands that held mine was steady.

“I think you batter sleep at my place until the alcohol wear off. My mom isn’t home so you can take my bed.” I slowly pry my hands from his grip.

“Why?” he questioned.

It took me a second before I responded. Truthfully somehow in the deepest part of my head, I too, questioned myself. Why should I take in this stranger into my home and let him sleep on my bed for the night. What if he was a serial killer or something? Worst, a serial rapist. But he was also the crown prince of the country. It was my duty as a citizen of Claymore to keep him safe and it troubled my heart if he was sent off in the middle of the night in some cab in this drunken state. But most important of all was, he was a person. A jerk of a person he might be but still. Everybody is worth some form of kindness, my mom told me.

“Just because.” I answered finally.

Aiden smiled. “That’s a good enough reason for me.” He muttered. And just like that, before I knew it, firm lips came crashing into mine nibbling and sucking. his tongue expertly began seeking entrance and once i gave in, it darted into my mouth. he tasted like the beer we had in the pub: sweet with an after burn that was both soothing yet intoxicating.

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