Chapter 14 [Royal Treatment]

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  • Didedikasikan kepada to all of my amazing fans!

My roommate is the world biggest jerk14

from my room, with love..

please enjoy, comment, vote! 

Chapter 14 [Royal Treatment]

I bit my lips and stared down, looking at my newly painted nails.

Okay so, when I get real nervous I may have this weird need to paint my nails. Actually it was not that weird, I kept telling myself, not weird at all. And if by any chance I had run out of nail polish I would probably be sewing, doing hand stitches… stuff like that. Whenever I was nervous, I would do stuff that forced me to steady my hand. I did not remember when did I started to develop these weird rituals to calm me, but this morning when I had woken up a few hours earlier than I should, my hand landed on the bottle of nail paint.

It was a good color, I thought, admiring my newly painted nails, pale pink and almost translucent. Then, I looked up and found myself staring at my own reflection in the mirror. I reached up and tucked a stray lock behind my ear. I had my hair pulled up in a bun today, like any other day but somehow my hair still looked messy. I reached and pulled my hair free. Dark chocolate mass tumbled down and I began brushing. It was seven in the morning; I figured that I still have time.

Then, the usual pounding on my door came and my mom peeked in. to her surprise I was already up and dressed.

“Well would you look at that.” She said, “You’re up!” I forced myself to smile. Mom stepped in and sat next to me on my bed.

“Nervous for school?” she questioned with her all knowing eyes set upon me. I bowed my head down and nodded.

“Well honey I don’t really know what to say to make you feel better, I never dated any prince before...” she said with a hint of a smile in her words but I did not have the courage to look up and see. Then she patted my shoulder and said, “But if it helps, while going through school think about him and those things about him that made you fell in love with him in the first place. It’ll get you through the day.” Mom pulled me into a brief one arm hug before she went out the door.

Think about him and things about him that had me falling for him? How am I going to do that, considering I hated his guts?

A few minutes of staring into space, I collected my stuff and went out and had breakfast. After that, I spend a few minutes peering out the window for the car that Aiden promised to pick me up. The black shiny sedan arrived at 7.40 on the dot. School started at eight and it will took approximately ten minutes drive from my house to the Royale Arts so I will have give or take ten minutes, sitting by myself in class.

Oh the joy.

After bidding my mom goodbye, I headed out the door and into the car. Ryui was the driver again today and I almost cringed when I saw Aiden was sitting on the end of the seat.

“Good morning.” He greeted the tone of his voice cold and unwelcoming. I remembered the last words he had spoken to me yesterday, when I was about to take my leave from the Great House, “Looks like we’re stuck together, so let’s try to be civil, it’ll make this a lot easier on both of us.”

I bit my lips before reluctantly muttering a good morning to him. Aiden handed me a folded newspaper.

“Today’s headlines.” I took the paper and unfolded Claymore Today. The headlines read exactly as I was informed it would.

The Storme House confirmed it: They’re Dating!

“Following the shocking revelation made known yesterday by press, the public relations representative of the House of Storme had come forward to acknowledge the scandal that shook and broke the hearts of teenagers across the country. Indeed, the representative had released the statement that the young couple, His Royal Highness Prince Aiden of Storme and Miss Fay Lara Addams is undeniably an item. The representative further asked the press to respect their privacy as both are very young and currently still attending school. The representative also went on to ask the press to respect Miss Addams privacy and her private life. He stated that ‘both are still very young and this needed to be seen from the perspective as a natural phase of their lives, regardless of social standings.’

The Royal Scandal (editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang