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Was Naruto spying on him? This question bothered Sasuke for the whole day, making him wonder whether he was training at all. 

The next day, with a sour face he met his team on the bridge. Usually he was the first person, but sometimes Naruto beat him to it. Today as well, he was greeted by the blonde jumping from one side of the bridge to the other, on the railings. "Hey there teme." He greeted him without looking at him as he continued jumping. "Tch," Sasuke responded. "How's your training with sensei going?" The blond questioned making Sasuke snap at him, "Why do you care? Instead of saying on others shouldn't you train yourself? Well, anyways, it's not like you can pass anyways." 

Naruto stopped jumping and stared at him, "Just so you know, teamwork is the most important thing in the Chunin exams, atleast in the first few rounds. But ya never know." With that he continued jumping leaving Sasuke to scowl on his own. 

You like him don't you? As a friend.

For some reason, Naruto was reminded of Hitomi's words. As he continued hopping, he wondered why he thought of Sasuke as a friend. Sasuke definitely didn't consider him his friend.  But...He supposed because despite the scowls and insults, he felt close to him. He had gone through something like Naruto had. Maybe that was why he felt close to him? Or maybe, he  thought shaking his head, it was just stupid feelings. Sometimes you cant help liking or admiring someone for no reason. And you can't argue with yourself can ya? So he let it be. He thought of Sasuke as a friend. Why? Just because.

After some time, the other teammates arrived and Kakashi after excusing himself for being late handed them each a scroll. "You haven't had missions for a while, but this one is checked. Its a simple gang of thugs, with simple training in jutsus. We should be able to handle it. " With raised brows, the three genins read the scroll, and then nodded to each other. 


As Team 7 raced through the woods, two people were having similar thoughts. 

Time to check out my jutsu.


They eventually found the group of thugs, which consisted of four buff men and one boy.

"Why is there a boy with them?" Sakura asked Kakashi as they peered from the leaves of a tree. Sasuke and Naruto were in the tree in front of them and they stared at the gang below. Currently they were having lunch, an older guy with a small scale fire jutsu lit the fire and they talked to themselves while eating. 

Fire style Sasuke signaled Kakashi who nodded in response.

They are vulnerable right now, sneak up to them and capture. Kakashi signaled the boys and they nodded, slowly climbing back down.

They both creeped closer to the gang and waited, listening to their conversations.

"That house was no good dammit." A man with a small goatee grumbled.

"Yeah." Another man sitting next to him replied.

"Whyy did we go there? "

"I dunno."

Naruto and Sasuke rolled their eyes at their bickering, while Kakashi and Sakura covered them from the other side. 

Now Kakashi signaled and they all raced for the men.

Sasuke caught the man with fire  jutsu, twisting his hands behind so that he wouldn't be able to use handsigns. Sakura held a kunai at the talkative one's throat, Kakashi had tripped a man and was holding him down with a foot while Naruto Wrapped his legs around the other man's neck. 

"Run....Baku." The man under Kakashi groaned as the boy ran in fear. 

"I got it, SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!" Naruto shouted and a clone of his chased the boy.

They tied up the men and Naruto and Sasuke raced after the boy, leaving Sakura and Kakashi to handle the men. 

They soon found the kid panting and running and so Naruto called out to him "Hey stop running, we won't hurt ya!" making the boy look back fearfully. Just then, he collided with a tree and fell on his back. as Sasuke and Naruto approached he made a quick handsign and shouted. 

A shockwave hit then square in the chest as they flew back. The boy panted and cried, "Stay away, I didn't do anything!". Sasuke got up with a groan making the boy cry out again, hitting them with another shockwave. 

"Goddammit." Naruto created several shadow clones which distracted the boy and then, preparing to hit him with a rasengan, he started running. Little did he know that the Uchiha had had similar thoughts and was now running up with a small ball of lightning. Just as the boy shouted, dispersing another wave of Narutos, Sasuke and Naruto jumped in at him at the same time. Due to, ahem, lack of teamwork, they collided with each other and fell in a heap, their special jutsus gone. Meanwhile the boy whimpered against the tree as the two boys glared at each other. 

"What the hell was that?!" Naruto and Sasuke shouted at each other. "Nothing you need to know about!" Naruto grumbled crossing his arms in front of his chest. "So kid, " Naruto narrowed his eyes at the scared  boy, "You're under arrest." he deadpanned. 

They took the boy's arm and led him, along with the whole gang, back to the village. 

"Your jutsu is strong, maybe you can train here and become a shinobi?" Kakashi tried to calm down the boy, who just shrugged. 

"Well, I'll let the Hokage handle y'all."


That night, while practicing  Naruto thought about the lightning he had seen for a second in Sasuke's palm. Chidori....

He was now practicing with rubber balls and had almost got the hang of it, but the rasengan in the afternoon made him realize how unstable it was. How did The Fourth even come up with this??

Meanwhile, Sasuke wondered what that blue thing he had seen in Naruto's hand was. What jutsu was it? Where did he learn it? Was he learning some new jutsu as well? 

He threw a stone pretty forcefully in anger at the river. 

When will Naruto stop being surprising?

With an angry huff he walked away.



Hey y'all.

Sasuke's acting like a lil brat right? lol. poor kid. whenever he thinks he's surpassed Naruto Naruto surprises him. 

Anyways, Someone said that they're gonna imagine Kurama as Karma and dude. please go ahead!

Anyways, tis ur wish.

Vote, share, comment and follow! 

Gentle reminder that I've entered this story into a Naruto Watty thing, so please go there and near The Real Me under Akatsuki, just write, "I vote for The Real Me by AwesomeFangirl23" THANK YOU! 

here's the link-  


Yours Truly,


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