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Sasuke stared at the blond. He hadn't moved a muscle after Sasuke had told him to stay put of it in the heat of the moment. But he definitely felt that a little help would have been nice. Now he was thrown across by this Sand monster.
And suddenly Naruto had charged. It hadn't seemed like he was planning to jump in anytime soon, nor did it seem like he was waiting for his chance. It was purely instinct. And Sasuke's wondered what type of training taught him such instincts.

Naruto easily dodged Gaara's attacks, even those with which Sasuke was having trouble. Gaara was now half covered with some sort of sand armor, except that it made him look like a monster.

After sparring for a few moments , Naruto backflipped behind Gaara, and there was a momentary pause of confusion. Gaara seemed to have not registered that flip, and was standing still, and Naruto had landed right behind Gaara, crouching. A second passed, and just as Gaara realised that he was behind him, Naruto did something weird. He joined his hand and attacked Gaara's butt with two fingers.

There was a weird momentary pause of confusion. Gaara didn't seem to have registered that the blond  had back flipped behind him and Naruto didn't flinch.

Then as if they both realised it at the same time, Gaara turned around in outrage and Naruto managed to dodge only barely. He landed on a branch and with a small smile activated the paper bomb that he had put on Gaara. Sasuke's head whipped around to Gaara just in time for the explosion.

He shielded his eyes and opened them when the dust settled. He saw Gaara standing there, his sand armor gone and he was glaring furiously at Naruto, who seemed only mildly surprised.

"Oh you're still standing? That's pretty great, considering the soft spot I had chosen..." Naruto said casually tilting his head, as if talking to a friend. 

"YOU! I WILL KILL YOU!!" Gaara screamed at Naruto who didn't react. Gaara, now bleeding from several small cuts began weaving some hand signs and this seemed to alarm Naruto. His head jerked forward as if someone had just told him something crazy.

Could it be the demon..? Sasuke wondered, then shook his head. That was a stupid theory.

The dobe launched himself from the branch towards Gaara, but he was too late. Just before he could reach and strike the  redhead, Gaara vanished in an explosion of smoke. Dust billowed around them, pushing back trees for several kilometers. Sasuke clung on to the tree and held onto Sakura for dear life. He heard a small distant screaming that was most probably Naruto's. 

He hoped he hadn't died or something.

"AWWWWWWW YEAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" A loud voice boomed.

Sasuke, coughed up the dust that he had inhaled and looked up as the dust settled. His eyes widened at the sight of a huge sand monster which didn't resemble any animal in particular that Sasuke knew of, but it had a tail. Sasuke noted its sharp teeth and claws and weird patterns on his body.

If he squinted and looked closely, he could see Gaara standing on top of it. With his activated Sharingan he could see that Gaara was actually asleep or unconscious. 

Just then he noticed a small yellow blur flying towards the sand monster, trying to attack it, but it was swatted away like a fly.

Naruto! Sasuke thought, alarmed.

But Naruto twisted in midair and landed on top of a tree without much difficulty. Then he began yelling at the sand monster. "HEY! JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE BIGGER THAN ME DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT YA KNOW!" 

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