"There's something so fascinating about your innocence," he breathes, so close I can feel the warmth of his breath against my lips. "It's a shame my own darkness is going to destroy it. However, I think I might enjoy the act of doing so."
Being rebo...
"How are you here?" I question, as he brushes past me again. Wordlessly, he grabs his own chin...and by own chin, I mean the Thought tied down to the chair, and stares deeply into his eyes, until his body sags and his head drops down like rag doll.
"He won't remember anything once he wakes," Thought mutters, reaching over to grab my hand, pulling me up to my feet. I have a plenty of questions, but I keep my mouth shut.
If anyone can get me out of this, it's Thought.
He leads me out the door and into a dark hallway. We must be in the basement of some complex, but my curiosity stops there. In no way do I want to know what Time is doing lurking above this floor. Presumably, he is trying to find out who I am while gearing himself with information so he is not made a fool of again.
Thought pulls me to the side, grabbing my shoulders tightly. "I'm going to remove Time's memories now, so you need to get out of here. Do not tell your Time that I am here, or what I did for you. You will inform him that all went smoothly and you witnessed his horridness and that you forgive him."
"Okay," I breathe, completely taken aback by this information he's sharing. I'm unsure of why he wants me to forgive Time, when he can most likely see how uneasy I am about it all. He did warn me, but it doesn't make me any less skeptical. "Can you at least tell me how you got here?"
"Time and I share residual power of our own, as twins. Sometimes he has premonitions in his dreams, and sometimes I can travel to other minds through time and use them for a short period," Thought explains, glancing over his shoulders at a nearby flight of stairs.
Thought goes to pull away from me, turning his back. "Wait, Thought. Why did you do this? Why help me when you and your brother hate each other so much?"
He doesn't even turn back, walking up the stairs wordlessly.
I don't waste much time contemplating Thought's motives. Instead, I sink my complete trust him and escape through a back door, not thinking twice. Beyond the door, I run across a small back lawn, and hop a fence into an alleyway shrouded in shadows. I'm not sure where I am, but by the sound, smell and taste in the air, this is some kind of city.
Thankfully, it didn't take me long to find Time. It's as if he has some kind of radar for me, or senses my fear, because as I turn a corner, he suddenly appears in front of me, making me jump. For a moment I'm frightened that it's Time from this current era, but when he grabs my arms, a sympathetic look crosses his face.
"Is everything okay?" He questions.
For some reason, I have an overwhelming reaction to hug him. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I stuff my head into his chest, breathing in the scent of him. He reacts slowly, probably unsure why I'm reacting this way despite what I witnessed, and quite honestly, I can't be sure either. All I know is that in grateful I'm out of that place...who knows what could have happened to me.
"Can we leave," I questions. I'm anxious about Time realising I'm gone, in case Thought wasn't completely truthful. It seems that Time assumes my apprehension as a simple reaction to something I may have witnessed if I weren't interrupted.
"I have a small apartment close by. I'll take you there," he breathes, grabbing my hand.
The apartment is nothing to brag about, but I like it quite a lot. It's simple, small and has a view of a sea which I never thought I would see. This city must not exist in my time, which is a shame, because it truly is beautiful. I would ask Time, but the tension between us is palpable. I want to talk to him about it, but I'm scared he is will realise that I witnessed nothing, and completely interrupted the moment with my presence.
The world isn't falling apart around me, so that has to be some kind of sign that I can trust Thought. I just can't figure out why Thought decided to help me. As far as I'm aware, the relationship between them is completely splintered.
"Do you want anything to drink. Eat? We can go out and see the city if you want," Time says softly from across the room, lingering at the doorway of the kitchen.
I sit on a couch, hands folded across my lap.
"I'm okay. I'm just glad I'm out of there," I comment.
Time's shoulders sag, as he moves slightly closer, stalking across the room. As much as I like to think this Time here, my mate, is different to the man who tied me down to a chair. Clearly, that side of him lurks beneath the skin. It moves through his veins, remaining a hidden motivation that he doesn't want me to see. If he thinks I'm fooled by this facade he's been putting on, then maybe he isn't so ahead of me as I think.
I know Time is evil. I know he will do bad. And I know soon, I'll surely witness it soon.
Hey guys! If you're enjoying the story, you can head over to Radish and read Time ahead of Wattpad!
I've released Thought's own story on Radish, which is available now! I want to see by the end, which of the brothers your prefer
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