After the rain, comes the sun

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Shen wei had been in the hospital for a week already.  He had a serious concussion and him refusing to eat made them keep him longer. He was just sleeping all day, and if he was awake he only cried himself to sleep again. 

His mother was by his side day and night, and she was so heartbroken seeing him like this. She had made sure that Zhu Hong was not allowed to see him. She tried her best to find where Zhao Yunlan was.She knew he was the only one that could help her son, but nothing. 

After few days later, they let him out of hospital. But he only locked himself in his bedroom.  His dad started to get pissed off, so he barged himself in his room

"you are going back to work tomorrow!" he said with anger and then left again.  

Shen wei did not care anymore. You could almost say he was like a living corps walking around.  He only ate little bit a day because his mother would cry until he did. 

Shen wei was in so much pain that he started drinking everyday, drank his pain away, and would fall asleep drunk.  

Few weeks past by and he still refused to go to work. The company was really in bad shape now, so his dad had to step in and work again.  But his dad was also at his limit health wise, so his mother begged him to go back to work.  For Shen wei, only her tears made him do so. 

He got up the next morning, and went to work. He looked awful, his hair was a mess, his clothes was shabby. People started to wonder if that was the same person they knew. 

He sat in his office. His office reminded him of Yunlan, he could not stop thinking about him, and he started to feel pain again. He pulled out a bottle of whisky from his bag and started drinking in the office. Drinking was only thing that helped his pain to a certain level.  

But being in the office constantly reminded of Yunlan a glass did not help so he ended up drinking the whole thing.  After he drank it up, he still could feel the pain, so he staggered outside and went to his secretary

"hey, hey..go..go and buy me two more bottles of whisky" he stuttered out, she looked at him shocked, she could clearly see he was already drunk, and that his face was filled with tears. 

"boss...are you sure?" she asked carefully, he started laughing like a crazy person while crying, then yelled

"just do it!" she flinch and she did as she was told. He walked around the office, drunk, having hard time to walk properly. Everyone was looking at him, some was worried, some just thought he had gone mad. He sat on Yunlans old desk, started to sniff it.

"I can't smell you anymore, where are you ?" he asked out loud.  After a while he fell asleep at the desk.

He was carefully woken up by his secretary, that came back with two bottles of whisky.  He grabbed it and chugged down almost half a bottle within few seconds. 

"its still painful!" he yelled so he chugged down the rest. Tears was falling.  His secretary was scared so she called Zhu Hong over.

She ran over, "Shen wei are you crazy!" she said while trying to get him up to take him home. He looked at her

"you witch, don't fucking touch me" he yelled at her while he pushed her down.   She looked at him, he was not himself at all, she was very worried now. She got up and pulled out her phone, he saw it and he quickly grabbed the phone and smashed it on the floor.

If looks could kill, Zhu Hong would be dead now.  He got up as he open the second bottle of whisky and started to drink it while staggering back to his office. People was shocked and did not know what to do. Suddenly they heard glass break and both Zhu and the secretary rushed in, and found the whisky bottle crushed and Shen wei unconscious on the floor, bleeding. 

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