Twenty Three

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As soon as we hung up, one of my patients walked in.

I had to push she thought of the phone call out of my head and focus to my patient, talking to her about her feelings.

She was an older female suffering from depression due to her husband passing away and her kids never visiting, it was sad.

I wished I could just grab her kids and make them give her a well needed hug.

After an hour of comfort and crying, she gave me a nod.

"You're the only person who listens to my rant, thank you" she breathed out, moving to stand.

"Anytime, I don't mind at all"

As soon as she left, I let my head hit my desk.

Not knowing what Mila was forcing herself to live with was going to kill me.

Of course, the day went by painfully slow until the four of us finally rode home together.

As I went to my room, I texted Mila

Have you decided whether you want to stay at our house or yours?

It didn't take long before I received a text back

100% yours.

I made Calum help me make sure the guest room was up to good standards.

We made the bed, made sure nothing was dusty, that the blinds were open and the bathroom was clean.

We nodded to each other once it finished.

"I did some research on her today" I spoke, needing nothing but to talk about it.

"And?" Calum asked.

"Like she said, her parents are in prison and their bond is extremely high." I spoke slowly.

"But their charges weren't posted, I couldn't figure out why they were in jail, so I called" I spoke.

"The warden told me that he didn't want to tell me anything because he made a promise to a young girl six years ago, that he wouldn't tell anyone" I spoke, seeing Calum's eyebrows raise.

"When I asked who the young girl was, I bet you can't guess who"

"Mila?" Calum questioned

I nodded slowly

"Mila." I confirmed.

"It had to have been something traumatic- something she doesn't want anyone to know" Calum mumbled out.

"I want to know what they did to her- I'm to the point that I want to go to the prison and ask her parents themselves what they did to her." I spat to him.

He shook his head

"There's a reason she doesn't want you to know yet, you've gotta wait until she's ready" he spoke, patting my shoulder

"Give her time."

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