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Two months later

"Luke!" She sang, walking into my office, throwing her backpack as she entered, coming to my side of the desk and hugging me tightly.

"How was school?" I asked her, not letting her go yet.

"Good" she hummed.

"Tanner totally flunked a test, and I even tried to help him cheat, but he can pull it up." She told me about the boy I knew she had feelings for, but wouldn't tell me.

"Tanner is a big topic of choice, isn't he?" I hummed.

"My best friend" she smiled, pulling away from me.

"I wanna meet this best friend" I spoke, putting emphasis on best friend.

"You will one day" she smiled, sitting in the chair she always sits in.

"And by the way, I do not want to hear about you helping anyone cheat." I spoke to her with a smile.

"I wasn't cheating-" "technically you were." I raised my eyebrows to her, making her go quiet.

I glanced between her and my desk a few times, seeing her smile.

"What?" She asked me happily

I grabbed my little container of mints, lifting it to her.

"Mint?" I asked happily.

She rolled her eyes, taking one, unwrapping it and putting it in her mouth and I almost wanted to stand up and scream

She took the mint

She actually trusts me

"The reason why I never took them before is because I don't actually like them that much" she spoke, spitting it in my trash can after a moment.

"You gotta be kidding me"

                                The end.

Thank you for giving love to yet another one of my stories! I hope you enjoyed!!

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