Who.. are you?

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I was under the bridge for a while and I fell asleep.

I wonder how long I've been here. It must be a few hours.

I got up and looked at the wall. There was written:

No, it isn't stupid

That was the answer to my question.

I really got an answer. How was that possible and the main question, who was it?

That can't be Yoongi. This isn't possible. He's dead.

Someone wants to fool me.

I really don't know why I react, but I have to know who it was.

Who are you?

You know me.
It's me, Yoongi.

That can't be. How is that possible? How can a pencil move by itself?

What or who is that?

You don't believe me, right?

I shook my head.

I really don't believe him. How should I. Who would believe this?

It's okay that you don't believe me.
Just ask me a question that only we both know.

There is one thing that only he can know it.

On my 14th birthday, you took me to a place, where was it and what did we do? Not during the party, but afterwards.

I could never forget this day.
It was in the woods by a deserted hut, standing in front of a lake. I put a picnic towel on the floor and we looked at the stars. Until I got up. You were confused by my action and I was very nervous.
I stood in front of you and you looked at me with your beautiful chocolate brown eyes. I took out a box with a chain. I asked you if you wanted to be with me and of course you said yes. It was one of the best nights of my life.

I read it and started to cry.
He is it.
My Min Yoongi.
Nobody else knows about this night, not even my best friend Jungkook.

"Yoongi," I whispered and cry even harder.

The way I died/ YOONMIN Where stories live. Discover now