« track 28 »

109 19 4

late at night,
my thoughts are a muddle
all the trains standstill
at one station
a complete disarray
impatient passengers
murky smell of sweat
nothing goes in
nothing goes out
in the distance
lights blink sleepily
the stars yawn
the moon,
a moody madame,
tucks herself between
the clouds.
silence falls.
in this chaos,
sleep finds it way
all the despair of the day
disappear into
the safe cavern of dreams
finally a day at the station done
finally all my thoughts
find some sleep.

Author's note:
It's 00:29. It was a draining day, but my thoughts have stopped revolting. Maybe I could sleep peacefully now. Before that, this poem needed to come out. Goodnight.🌌

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