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The next morning, Sanem was once again in the bathroom vomiting. Can found her there a few minutes later. He gently pulled her hair back out of her face. When she was done, he gently wiped her face with a cool cloth. He asked her if she was still sick. Sanem said she did not know. She woke up with the urge to toss her cookies. She told him she felt better now. Can told her OK. He asked if she felt like going into the agency today. She told him she didn't but asked if he could take the kids to day care, so she could rest a little. He told her he would do that. He kissed her cheek. Can went to get his kids ready so he could get to the agency. He checked on Sanem one more time and told her he would call and check on her later. He kissed her and told her he loved her. Can and the kids left for the agency. He dropped the kids off at the day care and headed upstairs to his office. Leyla stopped him and asked where her sister was. Can told her she was still under the weather and wanted to stay home and rest. Leyla said she would call and check on her later. Can began his busy day.

Meanwhile at home, Sanem was tossing more of her cookies. Since there was no food left on her stomach, it became dry heaves. Sanem went to make herself some tea. She napped on and off on the couch all day. She just felt like her energy had been zapped away. She could barely lift her head up. All she wanted to do was sleep. She got up to use the bathroom and got very dizzy. That was the last thing she remembered before hitting the floor.

All of a sudden at work, Can got a bad feeling. He tried to call Sanem but got no answer. He tried a few more times, but still no answer. He grabbed his keys and ran for his truck. He headed home at lightning speed. He tried to call Sanem again while driving, but still she did not answer. He pulled into the driveway and ran for the front door. He called her name when he entered their home but got no reply. She was not in the living area. She was not in bed. He finally found her passed out on the bathroom floor. Her forehead was bleeding. It looked like she hit her head on the bathroom cabinet. Can immediately called for help. The medics showed up a few moments later. Sanem was still unconscious. They loaded her onto a gurney and took her to the nearest hospital. Can followed the ambulance in his truck.

Once at the hospital, they would not let Can back to where Sanem was, so he paced the waiting room. He telephoned Leyla to let her know what was up. In turn, she telephoned their parents. Soon the waiting room was packed full of family and friends. Leyla told Can she would make sure the triplets got picked up from day care and she would look after them until he could make it home. Can thanked her. Soon, the doctor came out looking for Can. He told Can they could not get Sanem to settle down and she wanted him. He told Can to follow him. Can followed the doctor back to where Sanem was. He found her crying and shaking. She saw Can and immediately reached out her hand to him. He ran to her side. She asked Can what has happened to her. Can told her he found her passed out on the floor. The doctor said he was still waiting for her blood work to come back, which should be anytime now. She had a tiny goose egg on her forehead where she hit the cabinet when she passed out. Can kissed her forehead. Sanem was calming down now that Can was by her side. Her vitals were normal.

The doctor came back a little while later to let them know her blood work had come back. He informed Sanem that she was pregnant. Can and Sanem just stared at each other. Can smiled at Sanem, but Sanem was in shock. Can asked if she was alright. Sanem just nodded. Can asked if she was OK with this. Sanem smiled a little smile and nodded. Can grabbed her hand and kissed it. Can smiled and said another! Sanem said she will pray it is just one this time. Can laughed. Sanem asked the doctor when he could take his wife home. The doctor said since all of her blood work was fine, he could take her home soon. Can thanked him. Can went out to inform family and friends that Sanem was OK and that she was pregnant. Everyone smiled.

Can went back to be with his wife. He asked her if she was sure she was OK with another baby. She told him honestly, she wasn't planning on another baby, but it was what it was. She smiled and said they would deal with it. She grabbed Can's hand and told him they had enough love for another baby. Can smiled. He secretly wanted another child, but he did not want to force it upon his wife. The triplets were getting older. They were almost 6 years old now and Can missed having a tiny baby around. Sanem told Can at least their house was big enough. Can laughed and said yes, it was.

Soon, Can was taking his wife home. Leyla was picking up the triplets and dropping them off at home. Can got Sanem into the house and got her settled on the couch. Sanem smiled at her husband. She told Can her dreams only consisted of 3 babies. Can said his dreams were the same as hers. Can embraced her wife and told her they could do this. Sanem told him she knew. She told him he was an awesome dad. Can kissed her and told her he wouldn't want any other woman as the mother of his children. She was perfect in his eyes. He sat down beside her and threw his arm around her. She rested her head on his shoulder. She told her husband she loved him so much and she wouldn't want any other man as the father of their children. Can said good, because he wasn't going anywhere. Sanem said yes, he was. He was going to make her a cup of tea. Can laughed at his silly wife but got up to make her some tea.

Soon, the triplets came home. They were hugged and kissed their mom. They were glad she was OK. Sanem explained to them she was having another baby. Ates said he wanted a brother. He already had to many sisters. Sanem laughed at him. The girls wanted a sister, so they could outnumber Ates. Sanem told them they would have to wait and see. Can ordered dinner and had it delivered. He did not want Sanem standing in the kitchen cooking, and he didn't want to leave her side for to long. He sat back down beside his wife and brought her tea. She told him thank you. Can told her he is having dinner delivered. Sanem said good because she didn't feel like cooking tonight. Sanem asked if he ordered pizza. Can said of course. It was their favorite. Sanem laughed but agreed. 

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