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The next morning Jace dragged me into his office building. I had complained about going to Larson's work, so Jace decided to have me go with him and have Brady go with Larson. 

The entire morning was boring. I sat in a chair in Jace's office, trying to occupy myself with the books I had brought. Jace was on phone calls all morning and had important emails to reply to, so I didn't want to bother him. 

Once lunch rolled around, Jace agreed to take me out somewhere. I practically skipped into the elevator in excitement both from being able to get food and from being able to get out of the office for a little bit. 

Jace took me to a fancy Japanese restaurant that was right around the corner from his office and it was delicious. After he paid, we rushed back into his office building because he had a meeting at 1 and said he couldn't be late. We went back into his office and he set me up at his desk with his computer and phone and a notepad. 

"You stay here, okay? I'm going to a very, very important meeting now," he spoke. "I'm gonna leave my phone and computer here, and you can use laptop if you want, okay? Just don't leave my office, please." 

I nodded and smiled, happy with any excuse to use Jace's computer. Jace went off to his meeting after fixing his tie, and I sat at his desk, surfing the Internet and reading as much as I could about the new movies that were coming out. I was really hoping Charlie would take me to see a new one. 

After scrolling for a half an hour, I was interrupted by Jace's ringtone. I glanced over and saw that Larson was calling him. I figured Jace wouldn't be mad if I answered his phone if it was just Larson.

"Hello?" I answered Jace's phone and held it to my ear.

"Hey Ja- wait, Brenna?"

"Yeah?" I responded. 

"Where's Jace? I need to talk to him," Larson spoke hurriedly. "Give the phone to him."

"He's not here, Lars," I answered. "Is something the matter?" He didn't respond for a few seconds and I heard him bickering with Brady in the background. "Larson?"

"Sorry, yeah, B, it's fine," he quickly responded. "Can you please find Jace right now and give the phone to him?"

I let out a sigh. "He's in a very important meeting, so he left his phone here with me. I'll tell him to call you back when he comes back to his office, okay?"

"Brenna, go get him and give him the fucking phone," he replied aggressively. "Please." He added to sound nicer. 

"I can't Larson, he told me not to leave his office. He also is in a really, really, really, really important meeting and I don't think he would like it if I interrupted. He would be so mad at me, and I really don't like making Jace upset because I alwa-" I was interrupted by Larson's gruff voice.

"Brenna Rose. Listen to me, okay? I need you to go find Jace right now and give him the phone. I'm not fucking around, Brenna. Go now." His tone was even-keeled and strong, and I could tell that whatever he needed to talk to Jace about was not something light-hearted. But then again, was it ever?

"Okay," I muttered, angry that I had to wander through Jace's office building to try and find what room he was in. I knew he would be so mad at me when I interrupted the important meeting.

After walking around the office for a few minutes, I finally saw Jace through the clear glass windows of one of the meeting rooms. Unfortunately Jace was turned to the side, so I couldn't motion anything to him to tell him to come out. I had to go in. 

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